Does Blizzard do this in ranked mode?

I’m so frustrated right now I’m seriously debating about deleting all my decks. I go on a tear from silver 9 to silver 2 and now for 2 days in a row I haven’t won 1 match out of like 6. Back at silver 4. It almost makes me wonder if Blizzard doesn’t somehow have the game setup that way.

It gets so annoying AF being able to zerg everyone and then suddenly run into nothing but AoE opponents.

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Patent US20160001181A1.


If you want some help and some pointers I’d be down to help you. You’re most likely making a lot of misplays without even realizing it, but then again it could also be your decks. In any case let me know.

Most important mistake is not to use Google to find out content of patent US20160001181A1 :smirk:


No that is not the most important mistake because that’s when you fall into a defeats attitude if you want to blame the patent. That is when you don’t take accountably for your own gameplay.

That’s your mistake, boy. If you werent blizzdrone :zombie: who too lazy to study the patent US20160001181A1, you would know that no one accountably for any gameplay.


I read the patent description a while ago, so maybe i forgot about some details. Can you please explain how what the patent is doing is in any way related to what the OP describes?

What’s the problem with reading it yourself?
You dont like to read? :drum:

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I already read it (stated in my first post) and I see nothing in it that’s related to OPs problem. That’s why I asked you yo explain what I have overlooked

Blizzdrones :zombie: lie completely unconvincingly…

Boy, do you know that this site keeps a history of your messages?

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Yes I do. Show me a post where I ever defended Blizz

Got, you have nothing. Just another lame troll. Have fun playing the forum sweetie

i starting to think all gobla knows about the patent is that code
so he can spam it
he wasnt expecting to find someone like you who actually read it

You’re probably right, but hey, everybody needs a hobby. If Gobla gets some entertainment from writing pointles mails to the ftc, so be it :grin:

Looks like drones 69… :grimacing:


Possible I make misplays, but I do win enough to have me thinking I’m not terrible and anyway my post was more rhetorical, like anyone else or is it just me who runs into a losing streak because Blizz through RNG hooks you up with a mage, then pally with consecrate x5, and then warlock with hellfire and other aoe when you’ve just been playing zerg strat. Kinda hard to win when every other turn you’re being wiped off the board when zerg are small minions misplays or not.

Yes they do. The guy who came up with how the matchmaking works isn’t at the company anymore. Ben Brode is the guy that made it the way it is… Matchmaking that sets you up for failure much of the time. The new game he works on called MARVEL SNAP…is the same exact way…

It would be convenient for all of us to blame him because he looks like a meme soyboy :hushed:

In fact, the falsification of the game became more noticeable after the change in the ranking system that occurred after his kick out :thinking:

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That’s like saying you don’t take accountability for a coin flip or a pull on a slot machine.

Which uh…wait, why would someone take accountability for a coin flip? It’s just a simple 50/50 and there’s nothing you can really do about it.

Our coin is virtual, and the only ones who can really influence it are blizzard… and they influence what they talk about in their patent.