Does anyone care that Totem Shaman is dominating Legend?

2/3 games I playing against a Totem Shaman, which appears to take no skill to play.

It’s boring!! BORING!!!


Most totem shaman are blizzard bots.

Most are bots, but none are Blizzard bots. It’s easy to see: you can’t report a Blizzard bot; they don’t show up in your recent menu.

And, yeah, a lot of people care about the problem, but so far Blizzard has been unwilling to do what’s necessary to fix it, because what’s necessary is likely killing the archetype, and any other archetype popular with botters.

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They are blizzard bots, can you explain to me why they are all the same deck (100% same cards) and always the same outputs (something impossible for real bots unless they are from blizzard). Blizzard robots now appear in the encounter list and you can Report them.

Just out of curiosity, how long has it been since you came across a blizzard bot?

You will answer me that it has been a long time since you came across a Blizzard bot, which is normal since now they hide their bot by adding their nickname when you come across one and it is also added Report.

Blizzard takes players for idiots by hiding their bots except that it doesn’t work for me.

So Blizzard stop your bots and stop with your lies saying that you have banned X account, now you are under the Microsoft tag and Microsoft is not in the habit of lying like you.

There is no need to hide them. They are a implemented “feature” of the game and it was anounced before they got implemented.
The bots they ban are player bots…
imagine they’d ban their own bots…

Wrong, on all counts. And why wouldn’t shaman bots be the same? They’ve been refined over the last year by Chinese players, and they’re very effective.

The last time I tanked my MMR while trying to complete achievements, maybe a month or two ago. The difference between Blizzard bots and player bots is obvious, if you only look. Blizzard bots never appear in your recent menu – let alone leaderboards – and they tend to have weird way-off-meta decks, as well as misplay. Player bots stick with one of a few very-much-meta aggro decks, mostly Even Shaman at the moment.

This is something you can verify for yourself if you’re willing to tank your MMR. Blizzard doesn’t hide their bots, they’ve been up-front about using bots for new players, struggling players, and players who would otherwise face an unreasonable queue time. And I’ve never seen a Blizzard bot playing Even Shaman.

They are all the same deck (100%), all the same outputs but these are real players who bot, he hacks the server to always have the same outputs?

And to all have an identical deck, the players who bot all receive the same message play this deck?

Yes it’s well known that players who bot know each other, who are you kidding?

These are blizzard bots.

The same way any popular, successful deck gets duplicated on ladder. We have a term for this: net-decking.

Chinese players flooded NA and EU servers, at least, last year after Blizzard’s and Netease’s partnership dissolved. The Chinese players had been botting in Classic mode, where most people didn’t notice them because most people never bothered to queue into Classic. But if you did, the bots were the majority of latter: mostly Zoo Warlock.

When Classic mode was dropped for the Twist launch, the Chinese bots flooded Wild, and started refining Pirate Rogue and Even Shaman decks. Some tried Secret Mage, IIRC. But the strong shall prevail, and Even Shaman seems to have won out.

Now, if you want to farm gold in Hearthstone, automatically, you probably just google for a bot program (this is the net-decking) and fire it up. The most successful, and thus most popular deck and bot program will probably be pretty easy to find, and that explains the similar play patterns.

Given the major source of the bots – Chinese streamers, farming gold so they can buy Arena runs – yeah, I think there’s definitely some community knowledge involved, and the people will know each other, or close enough.

Your brain has been scrambled by conspiracy thinking. Why would Blizzard flood Wild with Even Shaman bots which are capable of climbing to mid-to-high legend? What’s the point of that?

Do you explain how it’s always the same starting hand?

Impossible unless they are blizzard robots.

I notice you didn’t bother to answer my question. I’ll ask another:

Why would Blizzard flood Wild with Even Shaman bots that always have the same starting hand?

You don’t have to answer me; I really just hope you ask yourself that question. Maybe you’ll hear just how nonsensical it actually sounds.

I only have one thing to tell you, do you always have the same starting hands match after match? no because it’s simply impossible and therefore the shaman manages to make the impossible possible.

You’re not going to change my mind, these are Blizzard bots because only Blizzard is capable of this kind of feat. Then why is Blizzard going to install bots? perhaps because of the low number of players so the players who start a game, they are not waiting 30 seconds or more to find a match.

I wouldn’t presume. My hope is that you change it on your own, once you actually start to think critically about it.

You don’t actually play Wild, do you? Or you haven’t, in more than a year. Wild queue times were never a problem unless you’re at the tippy-top of legend. That reason doesn’t support your claims.

Try another one: does the deck really “have the same starting hand match after match”? Or does it just seem that way some times? (Hint: it doesn’t: the deck has a very low curve, and a number of strong opening combinations. It does mulligan for certain cards – weapon, 0/3 totems, etc. – and finds a strong, or even ideal opener, just as often as a human playing the deck would.)

No, don’t answer me… don’t bother. I don’t care. You do you. Blizzard just banned tens of thousands accounts for botting, and replaced them with their own bot that runs only one deck, and plays the exact same cards in the exact same order, because reasons.

Or, no, not because reasons. There is no reason. They just did for no reason. Sure.