Does anyone actually win in Arena?

I can’t seem to ever win a single match. I don’t even seem to have the same tier of cards offered as the majority of my opponents, based on what I see of their decks. Is this a “me” issue? If so, how do I get Hearthstone to stop using me as fodder?

No, so bad I just stopped playing… I make a deck and retire it because the ONLY people in Arena are CHEATERS and HACKS.

I play around 300-500 arena games a month, and arena right now has the highest skill expression in history of hearthstone. If you know how to build your deck, and know your every matchup you can avarage 6-7 wins on every single run. First of all - deck helpers/builders are pretty bad right now, they can be a decent guidline for new arena players, but overall its way better to look at win rates on sites like hsreplay for every card, and based on those win rates and your deck synergy choose a card yourself. Top 3 classes - Shaman (elemental synergy + excavate), Death knight (rainbow + hand buff) and Demon hunter (tempo, demon discovery and midnight wolf). Forget about Paladin, Warrior and Priest, they are on avarage unplayable. Hunter (tempo + face), Mage (elemental synergy + big spells) and Warlock (big demon + control only) are all decent choices. Rogue is insanely difficult but pretty strong when it comes to deckbuilding and playstyle (random generation + tempo + value oriented), Druid deckbuilding is rng, (treant synergy/dragon synergy) if you get treant synergy in the first 10 cards and then none, you are screwed, same with dragons. ALWAYS play for tempo and board value, if you get behind you loose, so if you can put extra stats on the board do it, but you have to play around the most played cards at the same time (mostly spells), so board placement is very important (you can check “In % of decks” on the same site). The smallest missplay can make you loose the game. Most of arena guides are outdated, don’t use them. The only thing that can make you win in arena is experience and patience, before you play anything double check every play you can make, and always look at what counters your play the most, and how you’d counter their counter. Good luck out there!


The first few years of HS I’d average ~6 wins, I’d get 12 wins quite a few times, I made many F2P arena only accounts that would just go infinite, it was great. Idk when (when they started tampering with picks/rates/buckets/guaranteed legendary, I guess) but around that time is when my wins fell off and RNG took over the mode. It’s sorta sad as I loved Arena, I felt it was the best HS game mode. Haven’t felt that way in a long long time now though

Good post, but breaking that wall of text into more paragraphs would make it easier to read.

Thx for the advice! I don’t really post here too much (first post ever xd) Gonna do that next time (I’m too lazy to edit it)

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This is one of the best replies I’ve ever seen in a forum, especially in a CCG forum. It offers reason, information, understanding, and tells how to put that information to use, with zero negativity or criticism. Thank you. You are very much appreciated

Arena is rigged beyond ridiculous volumes. I am playing on a 10 years old beta account with 50k+ wins in arena (1000+ times 10+ wins) and this state of the game is pathetic. I am using all possible trackers and after good run with awesome discover deck (many discover options, we all know how you win in arena past 2 years) I get between 3-5 bad to worse runs with overall quality of my deck declining between 4-7% each draft afterwards until reset. Gold drain is an actual thing at the moment. I used to bag 15-20k gold balance easily, now I barely scrape at 2-3k and I am about to quit.

Edit: As I am writing that on 6-1 hunter with awful draft on my tempo deck, second game in roll no matter how i choose to replace my hand I get 2 or 3 of my end game cards in opening hand… and the opponent is an elemental mage with PERFECT curve so the game will be over until T5.

His curve: upgr hero p - mistace - coin hero p. - earthed - disc mineart 4/5 - top deck tainted (7 dmg exactly board) - top deck Blastmage with Hearthblossom - Mechagnome - forge - disc reverbations - into heartblossom - kill my taunt on 3 choices - face - face - gg, not rigged at all so I go 6-2…