Do you think a Legendary Secret could exist?

Like seriously, what do we think? I dont have any ideas for it, but I like the concept of a secret that is stronger than normal, but can only be used once.


Not for mage. Not ever.:slight_smile:
And not sure what a legendary secret would even be. You don’t really get stronger than CS or Objection.

3 mana Legendary Spell: Nope!
Secret: Whenever your opponent plays a card during their turn, Counter it and end their turn.

Flavor text: ‘You know what this game really needs??? INTERACTION!’


Shockingly imbalanced.

Ok that flavor text is pretty good IMO.


It’s a joke man :laughing:

(20 chars)

Ok, so I guess you can get stronger. :slight_smile:

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Yeah tbf it could be a hunter secret and cost 2 mana, it’s only fair

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3 mana
Secrets, More Secrets!
When the opponent ends their turn, cast 3 random Mage secrets.


Well it’s Hunter, after all. They get so very few opportunities to be strong:(

Every Weapon Is A Hunter Weapon
3 cost
When your opponent plays a weapon, steal it.


Oh god, not more thief decks.

There’s a problem to do it. They have too many “re-cast a secret” or “cast a secret” so it’s probably too volatile to have also a legendary to be recasted; perhaps it could have a “can’t be automatically recasted”; but that’s too convoluted.

But it’s easy to get ideas for it; e.g. “the next card the opponent plays: get a copy” or 2 copies (e.g. imagine if you predict their Titan); or it could be a whole quest or anything “aura-like” but it will be a …a secret.

3 mana
Never ending secrets
Cast a random secret at the end of your turn for the rest of the game

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“Get 0-cost copies, of the 3 HIGHEST cost cards the opponent plays next turn”. Worst case scenario is they predict you and they lose their turn unless they are rogues with their highest cost card being -1.

It’s essentially a time warp. With tidepool naga it would be copied at least twice leading to 3 free turns.

Basically breaks the game.


I still stand by my statement I have made several times. Secrets are the only really interactive card type in this game, everything else is not.

Accurate play with secrets requires

  1. Bluffing in tight spots (this used to be a bigger thing, but with infinite resources in this game now bluffing is not as strong.)

  2. Checking, or testing secrets

  3. Baiting secrets

  4. Baiting the baiting of secrets, etc

I really wish Blizzard realized this and printed more secrets with more classes and that they played a bigger role.

I don’t think a legendary secret needs to be overtuned or op to see play. You can make really cool utility secrets that will see play.

For example, I think a really cool legendary secret would be

Medivh’s Magnum Opus:

3 mana

When your opponent draws a card you may choose to steal it the following turn, if you do, give this secret to your opponent.

This would work as a discovery, so you could choose up to 3 cards that are drawn, or a fourth option which is do nothing.

Ofc a passive side effect of having this in effect is that you can track your opponents hand based on what they draw.


Can confirm. I just lost a game because I was utterly dumb; I used a high cost spell first; I should predict it could be counter spell.

Secrets being secret is not an excuse to predict nothing.

3 mana legendary secret: your secrets become auras when triggered

Totally fits with the paladin tourist too. Youre welcome game designers

I’d consider making this card if you changed the trigger to the opponent playing more than 10 Mana worth of base cost cards in a turn. You hit 11 Mana worth of cheating? Nope, turn over.

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