Do you remember why you came to the Hearthstone forum?

I’m certain that I was initially here to learn something about the game that I didn’t understand. I was one of those players who didn’t understand that shuffling a card into the deck meant shuffling the deck. I hadn’t played any trading card games before, and even though I knew what “shuffling” meant, I still for some reason envisioned placing a card randomly in the deck while the rest kept the same order

Anyway, that’s my origin story. Mostly stick around cause I like answering questions when people don’t understand why things work the way they do, but I also enjoy discussions about new cards or interesting interactions. What made you start talking here, and why are you still around?


To relieve the stress of competitive gaming. Because I know that the technical team doesn’t read the comments or post anything!! They communicate with few legendary players and guide themselves through them.
The cards in this new collection are rubbish, few legendary cards will see play! All neutral legendary cards are trash!

I gotta admit, I spend more time on the forums now than I do playing the game. I hit a low last month topping out at bronze 5 in wild even though I played at least a few games in Standard and Twist as well. I don’t really have major criticisms about the current state of the game but I appreciate reading well thought-out discussions of the state of the game

It’s still bad grammar they should fix (to “and then shuffle the deck”). The original designers probably thought it’s assumed, because the real-paper card games have a lot of literal shuffling after you touch a deck because there you have to avoid knowing the order of the deck after fiddling with it.

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I’m different from you, I was almost becoming a legend last month on the 28th, I reached the decisive final about 7 times in a row, I fell in rank and started all over again, when I went to see it it was 5:00 in the morning, lucky that I was off work. The next day I was so frustrated that I didn’t play anything!
The month started and on the 2nd I reached Diamond 4 with the only deck that carried me: Excavation Paladin. However, DK: Raimbow or DK: green, green and blue is VERY out of the curve. I stopped playing and I have to craft Reska to play with these decks. I think I’ll be a legend with these DK decks, very out of the curve.
This game doesn’t have a team that manages it, I’m going to craft this card to play with these decks and be a legend, as Reska is the only legendary I don’t have of this class. Poorly managed game and there are still users who defend this stressful game!!

When they announced they were moving to a new forum and the old one was getting deleted, I tried to copy all my posts to a Word file. Here’s the oldest post I could find in there:

Thanks Blizzard - ranked reward chest!

General Discussion Oct 1, 2015

I got a golden Southsea Deckhand =D That may not sound exciting to most people, but I have lived with parrots for 20 years, so my silly little goal is to get a golden Captain’s Parrot someday, and this is my very first golden pirate =D


I came from WoW. I was a fairly frequent user of those forums and when I started playing Hearthstone I naturally went here.