Do you prefer losing on turn 6 or on turn 20

Well I calculated it myself back in Stormwind for multiple ranks. I remember it was below 8 for top Legend and above 8 for Diamond. I could probably try to find it but I have a lot of posts.

Edit: oops. I remembered wrong.

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This is a flawed title.

If you know the conclusion already, most people would want to get it over with sooner than later. Has nothing to do with aggro vs control.

For the actual question, I prefer to vs control. Totally up for long games. Aggro can be enjoyable, but not if itā€™s you just getting run over because you drew wrong or something.

Honestly depends on the deck Iā€™m playing. If Iā€™m aggro, ending it quickly is the goal. If Iā€™m playing janky Rommath/Yogg memes in wild, I want the game to last until I can play my high mana fun cards.

if a match cant last til at least half the deck, it has been a waste of my time.

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Itā€™s not the game length that I care about, itā€™s what the odds are to do something about it.

A game ending on turn 6 that I have a 70% chance to lose, and there arenā€™t deck tweaks to improve the matchup? Feels really bad.

Ditto to games that have that kind of spread in the late game, where if they stall for long enough they win. (Those Iā€™d specifically prefer worse removal tools rather than uninteractive win conditions to fix. A deck shouldnā€™t have so much removal as to make the best method of beating them be a near or full OTK combo.)

Overall, how a game plays out is the important part. Games can be engaging both when short and long so long as itā€™s designed to feel like you have agency in both.

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Iā€™d love some mid-game action. I feel the mid-game left with the highlander decks from Descent. I wish UIS never was released. Itā€™s where my interest in this game truly started to wane.

I have that guy Ignored, but since you brought him up I had to check and yeah, heā€™s still spewing the same garbo. Why he plays this game or bothers is beyond me.

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Although not much of it, at least :grin:

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Iā€™m pretty sure they just want to troll people on the forum by posting ridiculous things. Best left on Ignore

Best flagged for trolling every time they post the same drivel.

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Pretty sure I used to do that, but it never seemed like it did anything, so I gave up

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So having an opinion that differs in any way to any of you counts as drivel? Advocating to flag all of my posts as trolling is a false call to action.

Why you continue to discuss me when you clearly wish me to self terminate is beyond my ability to comprehend. Just move on with your sad opinions and closed mindedness and let me post in peace. I did nothing more than say when Iā€™d prefer a match to end which is the topic of this thread. you hijacking it to be about me isnt. What Ive said isnt ridiculous in the least.

back on topic: if a match is over by turn 5 i feel like the game has matched a shotgun holding human against a fish in a barrel. I dont even know how one can create a win condition so fast as turn 5.

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Apologies, Cramer, but I am definitely not talking about you in this thread. You can click the arrows in the quoted posts to follow the thread back

Also, I think you may be confusing me with someone else. I donā€™t remember ever being anything but nice to you

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I actually prefer losing on turn 15 i feel this is the sweet spot the game has gone past turn 10 and both players are now doing their power turns by now youve played half of your deck usually.

Losing on turn 15 is good i reckon both players get to play their cards :slight_smile:

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If i made an error thats on me and I am sincere when I say Im sorry for the mis-step. I do not wish to sidetrack the thread any more.


They printed Theotar and brought back dirty rat into standard probably to combat otk being rampant again, however they made decks like paladin and aggro DK oppressive in some matchups.

If the devs want to be consistent, aggro should have counterplay much like otk and control have to deal with Theotar and DR forever more.

Bring back spammy arcanist or some other anti swarming tools.

Losing to your opponent because they can swarm you with no reply definitely feels like a non game to me

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What the actual f Cramer

And neither was I talking about them.

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I am so used to seeing the same toxic comments made about me anywhere I post recently. especially by neon. I was mistaken when in reference to skizzy and ive already made my apology for the error public.

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Neon wasnā€™t talking about you either. I donā€™t think ANYONE was talking about you. They were talking about PowerHorus.

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