Do you prefer losing on turn 6 or on turn 20

if you had to choose, only ever fight kingsbane rogue/dirt DK or only ever fight control priest/blood DK, what would you choose? I see people complain about fighting blood DK like all the time but i rarely see people mention the aggro archetypes, why’s that?

I rather lose on turn 4-5. At least the game is over and on to the next. Either I drew the nuts or they did. Either way, I got my points for playing the game.

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we are in the presence of one of the most colossal videogame scams in the world, fake rng, totally unofficial pay2win, a sensational scam accepted by all


95% of the people you’ve lost to have never spent a penny on Hearthstone.


I’d rather be stuck in traffic for 6 minutes than be stuck in traffic for 20 minutes. Maybe there’s a great song on and I’m singing along and having a fantastic time in the car; this doesn’t change the preference.

But I want to emphasize that this is purely a reward track efficiency point. As far as what my opponent is playing, I DON’T CARE. This is the only sane response.



Putting aside everything except reward track progress, I think I’d rather take a bow and go out early. Go out swinging mind you, but early nonetheless.
Thinking about it, the 230 points I could get from a 45 minute match, can be evenly matched by playing 9 matches of 5 minutes.
That said, I do like a good control game and I really enjoy watching them.
In terms of the actual OP, which pertains only to losing a game, I guess if I know I’m going out, quick like a band aid is the way!

I actually think this is the problem with the current meta.

There’s no mid game anymore.

It’s either hyper aggro or insane amounts of greed.

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Can’t disagree with this.
If I had my absolute favourite meta, it would be tempo/mid range decks where value matters. Not that it doesn’t matter now, I just think sometimes we get a bit too much value for little cost.

I prefer to lose at turn 20.

I prefer to lose at about turn 10

Trolls I have ever seen.

You are spamming the same posts in multiple threads and you can’t get a ban fast enough.


Relax buttercup. Im sure there is a safe space you can go to if his post made you feel bad. Forum Karens FTW! And he is 100% right.

Also, flagging the rigged trolls for trolling is the only sane response.

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Let’s face it, this game has turned into paper rock scissors. There is no longer strategy, you just pull the iWin card or you don’t, it is just that simple.

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6 turn game for sure. I like control but mirrors of it are awful. I am quite happy with just a couple of viable control decks vs mostly aggro, because if the aggro player is smart they’ll concede when it is clear they lost, which typically happens before turn 20.


Did you just listen to the VS Podcast?

Because they described Control Priest as the car that never leaves the highway.

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Honestly Turn 6.

With that said, the light speed neck breaking Stormwind meta had an 8.3 turn average. And the “Get me out of here!” slow Barrens mini set meta was 8.8.

I prefer late game lethality over late game sustainment.

I have never been able to get Legend with an attrition style Control deck. I get really impatient.

But if I am working towards a clear path ahead to win the game, I can get behind that.

I prefer cards like Shadowreaper Anduin, Shudderwock, Jace, etc that end the game; over cards like Svalna that make it last forever!


I am pretty sure it was lower than that in Legend. The higher you climb, the shorter games get. I’m pretty sure rank has more effect on game length than meta does.

That description is so close to the truth it’s scary. I only bust out the control Priest when i am feeling in a particularly sadistic mood. I may not win but my opponent is going to get slowly ground down till i get that inevitable friend invite. :slight_smile:


That’s actually the Legend numbers.

According to Zacho. If I remember correctly he said his brother calculated it. But that’s in a podcast from two years ago. I am not trying to find it for you.