Do websites like HS replay hurt the integrity of the game?

This is going to be a hot topic for debate, as I know people who support both sides. I don’t really have an answer because I can see how easy it would be to get around a shutdown of websites like HS replay by simplifying watching your favorite streamer and him/her posting their deck.

I can only speak for myself when I say the reason, I don’t play standard is because it’s the same 3-4 decks people play based on websites like HS replay and many more. If blizzard nerfs those decks, then it’s like musical chairs and people just go to the next 3-4 decks that are showing as a high performance on the websites for data.

It seems like an impossible situation to fix, because even with Blizzard trying to balance their game, it just creates the same old stagnant cycle of familiar decks to play against. Personally, for me, this is why I don’t play. I also know a lot of people would be very angry if they were shut down because they enjoy looking at what is good to play, and perhaps they don’t have time or are not good at deck building themselves. I get that argument, I really do.

But can you imagine for a second how fun the game would be if it was like the wild west where nobody knew each other’s deck, there was no bis, there was just surprises, chaos and extreme excitement?

I personally believe these websites are really hurting the game’s quality, but I don’t have a fix for it, and I know people would just find an easy way around it. I feel for the developers who may want to limit this, but I also imagine most are absolutely fine with having the websites as they would likely say it helps and supports the community.

Anyways, that’s why I won’t deep dive into standard but if you are having fun and like using the websites who am I to tell you it’s wrong. Just a difference of opinion really.


You are complaining because there’s good information. This isn’t an intelligent opinion in any respect.

Do you think this is good for any other areas in life?

Were we better when we couldn’t go online to see the restaurant menus?

Were we better when we couldn’t access detailed information about a far off country we were planning to visit?

Why is it that a hot take that’s horrible in any other areas of life is suddenly cool in Hearthstone?


You just used five paragraphs to tell us you think it’s wrong.


Tl:dr: I used to win more when my opponents didn’t know how to play or what to play, but now everyone got good so I am mad.

Agreed. It only makes the op look bad.

Which was waaaay more than we needed.


Yes they are hurting the game, but also gives people knowledge about the game, but yes without these websites this game would be alot more fun!

thx you saved me a lot of time


Pretty sure the game hurts the integrity of the game.

Anyone playing Relic DH will know the deck can’t compete, so what does hsreplay do that common sense doesn’t? Same with Imp Warlock being broken beyond control.

Netdecking is such a nonsense thing to complain about. As long as strategy games have existed, metas have been discovered and shared among players.

In chess, somebody could memorize every single opening and still only be a 800 elo player because their midgame is terrible.

There are streamers who climb to top 500 on a f2p account just for fun/content, and there are players who buy bundles from every expansion and craft every tier 1 deck just to be hardstuck plat.


What HSreplay does is stop people from wasting their dust. Unless you buy a ton of packs, you’re usually gonna have to craft some cards. I’m glad I looked online and found out that I could craft a 60% win rate deck for 1500 dust instead of trying and failing to make a competitive warrior deck because I pulled the legendary


HS replay just speeds up the process and makes it easier to learn.

People have allways copy/pasted decks or by the time you have lost to the same deck a dozen time you can problably create the same deck to a 90% rate.

Sure its reduced the time from weeks to a day before almost everyone Is playing the hot new deck. But this always happened. It also allows people to pick the best variation instead of keeping track yourself for 100+ games.

If you truly trying to stop net decking you would have to remove copy /pasting decks in the deck builder, but even then ok the deck had some 3 mana card that did x and you can figure it from there.

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I’m from a time of card games when deck trackers were you writing that info down on paper or, and call me crazy, REMEMBERING what they played. You learned what that deck was using and found ways to counter it with another deck or a few card substitutions. Experience you earned by playing the game. Decktrackers and the like make the game require far less intelligence than it used to.

The real issue is how much the game has power crept. I won’t mention other card games because, while they have their issues, I’m talking physical ones here, they at least know how to properly power creep. They generally cross the street. Blizzard is straight jumping across the state.

What integrity ? In a bad designed game that lives mainly from Asian fanboys ,a game that is not enjoyable anymore,with an expansion that is already burned out and its not even a month out but feels like a year HSreplay is not the problem of this game

Stop playing it then

Im playing only for the quests because i made the mistake to purchase pass

Sunk cost fallacy. If you hate the game so much, stop playing it. “I spent $20 so I need to suffer through this non-compulsory leisure activity that I hate” is already a brainless mindset before you add “and whine and complain on the forums” to it

Almost everyone who plays video games has, at some point, spent money on a game that sucked. And it’s upsetting when that happens. But normal, well-adjusted people just play a different game or spend time on another hobby. They don’t cry on the forums of the bad game


yea, because ignoring a problem always fixes it, right?

It does when the problem is imagined

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prove it

characters 1234567890

Hs replay is a bad and inaccurate website tho. it is not the hsreplay who creates meta it is the streamers mostly.

I understand your viewpoint. The repetitiveness of the game has become a little grindy as of late. Thing is, if you play enough, then you figure out the combos from having them played against you. Its then just a matter of time until you end up with the same scenario. It just takes a little longer.