Do we ever get actual changes?

So, all we get is every blue moon an expansion or mini set, no balance changes after for 2 centuries and a forum, which is filled with complaints and technical issue, for which most remain unanswered.

Did you ever consider more frequent updates or feedback on why you don’t want to change things or don’t do it more frequently? Bit absurd by now.

PS: your devs aren’t doing a great job in the game nor on Twitter, maybe fix it?

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They did a balancepatch a week ago?

there is another one coming as well,

after that I expect them to wait till after the mini set.

note part of the issue is people dont play the new op decks until the old op decks no longer work and blizzard dont test internally to any large degree.

Blizzard and testing :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))…

They fixed the bug on fate splitter after everyone crafted the card to play a combo deck…They didn’t give dust refund because it was a bug, and you are telling me Blizzard knows what they are testing :)))…The QA team at Blizzard is worse than those hobbos asking for a dollar near a bank.

We will get changes when they will flush on the toilet this unfair manipulated MM which is analizing your deck and forcing you to lose when ever it wants to make your progress stop… thank you… This game has nothing to do with skills in about 50%… the game is just forcing you to lose more and more using the unbalance. That is just pathetic… but true… only blind can’t see this… Just try to modify your deck by 2 cards… you will get the perfect encounter which was depending on these cards… really a joke and has nothing to do with your skills… xD

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Oh, yes. I forgot the mighty “balance patch” they did. For example, nerfing hounds health by 2 clearly adressed the problem of hunters dominance. Or the other issues they fixed so masterfully. Truly a patch that deserves it’s meaning and semantic.
Am already thrilled for what might come next.

Your complaint is the lack of changes. His response was proof there are changes being done; he never claimed they were great/good/bad.

Stick to your argument

Looks like he covered the quality of changes" under:

Plus, saving this because of all the lame excuses I have ever seen posted for the company, this has to be one of the worst.

If you call this a “patch” or actual “changes”, you’d probably also call print (“hello world”) a masterpiece of coding lines.

I could go to some 3rd world country, take a person, who has never touched a computer and show them for 20 minutes the game and ask for a fix and they will most likely bring something with more substance and quality up that deserves to actually called for what it is.

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You be you.

I’ve never advocated “for this company” in these forums. In fact, I think my history in these forums goes the opposite direction. Just because I don’t fill it with hate and vitriol like these posts, doesn’t mean I don’t have criticisms for Blizzard. My motto these days is: Blizz isn’t Blizz anymore.

Next time you need a comment to further your own narrative/agenda, I’d suggest using one you don’t have to twist to do so. I was merely defending a commenter after some condescending reply to their rebuttal was made.

Why do you say that? Did I give my opinion on the latest patch?


The problem is, plenty of valid suggestions and feedback, even during the various test cycles are completely ignored. It’s one thing to ignore mountains of feedback from various places from your playerbase, but when you actually bring in testers, who warn them about potential issues and they go “nah, it’ll be fine” and they act surprised when the same issues and feedback they were warned about happen it shows how shortsighted and insular they have become.

And it’s not just team 5, it’s a company wide problem.

Pot, meet kettle.

Feel free to quote where I posted “advocate” in the post you quoted, or admit you were wrong.

Also nice dodge on the quality of change issue, which was the main point of the post.

Here’s the much terrible attack the other poster got that required much needed defense (sarcasm there):

Literally no personal attack on the other poster. Only mentions of the quality of the patch, the issues not resolved with it, balance, etc. In fact, the only ones who would need “defending” there is…team 5 and company.

Now discussing the state of the game and pointing out issues it and the lame excuses being made for the dev teams and company is “pursuing an agenda.” I wonder before how long criticizing problems with the game will be spun as “conspiring to make hearthstone fail.” We already have versions of “you just hate the devs and game” now whenever people try discussing problems.

I could see if he actually made some personal attack on the other poster, but he didn’t. Once again, talking about the state of the game and discussion of it randomly (or not so, because there’s a long track record of it) gets this kind of response which I’m sure will bring more of the usual crowd out the woodwork, and more ever increasing coc violations the mods will ignore (as they have for years, including so called “final warning” offenses).

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