Do something about the cheaters and bots

It’s painfully obvious this game has a massive bot and cheating problem, I can’t count how many times I have not be able to resume a game because I have disconnected when I have lethal against these dog manure cheaters, it’s a disgrace it’s this bad.

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Disconnects are not caused by cheaters.


This (usually (cheats exist but they are very rare in HS)). But DCs are a common problem in some contexts. I just had a BGs game glitch the moment I was buying a card; I got a hit of more than 100 rating since it happened at the start of the game; sometimes it’s not the game’s fault because the graphics driver may glitch or something but it’s unclear without being developers debugging it.

What a load BS, disconnecting when lethal is set up or they are about to lose, get a grip.

How often do you get disconnected from the game when you are not about to win ?
A lot of players have experienced dc issues throughout the history of the game. I’m not aware of a single time it has been proven to be on purpose, outside of the identified buggs on specific cards
Sometimes it’s a faulty install
Sometimes it’s a hardware problem
Sometimes it’s a network problem
It can even be a geographical niche issue

It’s important to not fall for a bias by focusing only on the DCs that make you lose games

Some are and the fact you don’t know this shows how uninformed you are.

Believe there is one between brann and a Pali card.

Which ones ?
Would you mind sharing factual examples of your knowledge on the topic ?

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You must be new to online gaming, Overwatch recently had disconnect cheaters that would trash the whole lobby for 10 players. My bad, Hearthstone must be above this problem unlike the other Blizzard game.

Scr0tieMcB should be more agnostic about it, but disconnects caused by cheating are extremely rare; even when they exist they don’t last for long especially if they become public; this is a heavily funded game (compared to most games) and blatant public knowledge cheating doesn’t see the light of day for more than 24 hours usually.

The most likely scenario is a software or network bug; it doesn’t mean Blizzard are innocent here; it could be their software glitching (or not (e.g. a graphics driver might cause it etc.)).

I already did not my fault you do not know how to read.

Yes, there might be DC causing hack for real because it is really funny when I get DC always only when about to win… never when losing… but such hack usually is not working on me because I am paying attention to turn time… if animation stops or turn time is about to end but rope is not burning… I know got DC-ed and press instant close, reconnect as fast as I can. That is working against them and they rather concede sometimes… so drop hacks are real (I think thats how they are called) I think like some ppl says… but can be dodged by paying attention to turn time and animations abnormal behavior. But also bugs may cause DC’s often too… so it is really hard to tell…

It appears that you also don’t know how to read nor communicate.

You have not given a single factual element.
“I think there’s one between that card and one of those 90 other cards” is not factual
And even if you were to say “playing THAT card leads to a disconnect”, congratulations, that is still not a factual cheating element, just a bug.

Sorry that you don’t know how to read since it was already in my earliest message. Either that or you never learned to keep track with a conversation.

Cheaters existing in a game doesn’t mean every technical problem in another game is of their responsibility.
Because players will get randomly disconnected and it will cost them a game they will now assume every disconnect they encounter is a direct attack toward them.

Sure there are cheaters in Hearthstone. I recently learned about animation accelerating softwares used to speed up the game. But up to this date, I’ve never seen anyone with PROOF that their opponents were able to disconnect them on purpose with external tools.

On my old PC there was a game I consistently got kicked of multiplayer lobbies with disconnects. Turned out it definitively stopped the moment I updated my CGU. So using your logic, if a player encounters frequent DCs, it’s because of their CGU

Hearthstone is spaghetti code, too many animations and stuff going on. If im crashing less than 5 times a day, I consider myself lucky

wow thats rare i only 1 crash every 2 months or more must be an issue on your side

same happening in overwatch2. Cheaters disconnect you from server and even

Blizzard are not banning cheaters, period. It is sad.

also possible that blizzard algorithm is disconnecting players who were supposed to lose but winning.

I have 1 GB internet speed. And it became an issue, too many “random” disconnects.

I read cheater websites, there is option in cheating software to disconnect players.

google yourself.

nah no other game is like this, HS is simply trash coded. Been like this forever, especially after the new season

No. I’m not uninformed, and I’m not going to present as agnostic. Do I understand that it’s possible to find a bug in the game that reliably causes a disconnect, and for people on the dark web to write programs that, like a TAS, setup specific inputs to trigger these bugs on the opponent side, at least until a patch comes out fixing that bug? Yes, yes I do. But for every 1 time that happens, there are one million times a moron is convinced that it’s a hacker when it’s only a technical problem on either their end of with the Blizzard servers. I am done humoring these delusional posters just because there is some infinitesimal chance that their opponent is a troll who spends their time obsessively coding complicated programs that can’t realistically be sold for money. It’s like winning the lottery, we can just safely assume that it’s never going to happen, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

It is a tech issue, not a hack. Stop feeding the tinfoil.

It makes the point better to say the whole truth; that they exist rarely; that they rarely go for more than 24 hours public without a patch.

That’s because some of those whiners have at some point in the distant past seen legitimate reports of public exploits.

If they don’t know it’s ludicrous for those cheats to not be patched fast then it makes it harder for them to drop it.