Do Dev need to re-evaluate

Honestly kind of curious if the free to play experience is as toxic as it was in 2013.

I donā€™t really know. i think they have implemented alot of free things for new players.

Dev needs to be fired by Phil Spencer or Ms. Bond and get a new team in there that cares about the casual players who one bloody day can get to legendary tier.

Sorry but Iā€™m not a big fan of the current developer as they pit people who buy bundles and all that stuff over players who mostly buy packs w/ in game gold.

I really do not think they need to add anymore to the game before giving what we have right now a serious look over. This will be the first expansion I havenā€™t pre-ordered since I started back in Ungoro. I also did not purchase the previous mini-set, and I regret buying Titans as I could hardly stomach it after a few rounds of play and havenā€™t played since. I admit I was suckered into the notion of playing with titans and the whole concept, but thatā€™s on me.

Iā€™d like them to tune this game down, reconsider the way Discovery works (ie give it more of a downside since it seems 1/3 of every expansion has ā€œDiscoverā€ printed on it), consider HoFing some old cards such as Shadowstep given the incredible amount of power creep we have today.

I donā€™t play Wild, Arena, Twist nor Duels, so I canā€™t speak to those

BGs could also use some love in the tuning area as well. The minion pool is enormous, and I for one am ready for the 15 damage protection to go back to its original ā€œwhen one person is eliminatedā€. I originally defended its iteration, but I quickly saw it actually enables bad play. Theyā€™d have to dial down the power level in the cards, tho, as high roll is the name of the game right now. Finally, I am of the opinion anomalies arenā€™t good for the mode. It was fun at first, but I found myself desiring them to go away after a week. I do like we have a mode that is constantly updated through out the year, but I am counting the minutes until anomalies leave.

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