Do Dev need to re-evaluate

I understand your message.

However, the discussion may not be ONLY involve about getting more gold/cards.

Increasing deck slots lets players with big collection to play several decks without needing to delete decks due to slots retractions.
Increasing quest slot from 3 to 7, allows a longer duration for players to complete quests, maybe especially beneficial for players with school/work to have free weekends to complete the quests.

I assume such changes are particularly hard to implement but compliments to the player experience.

I am curious if players are aligned to Dev, needing to just focus on content while the other aspect are just consider as a luxury/good to have?


While i sure devs not want you to log every single day or atleast not enforce it.

I believe that they want people to play a little more than weekly.
I would go with 2/3 times a week.

That based on the fact that your progress go really slow after you get out of quests.

I caught the point. You want a full collection and be FTP but only put in below minimum amount of time to work the current system. You get what you put into the system. Keep in mind there are multiple avenues outside of just the pass to finish a set off during itā€™s cycle.

they should stop releasing OP broken cards each expansion and throwing the game out of balance. they should do more to balance cards before they release them. itā€™s the same each expansion. OP cards that are followed by nerfs later on. all cards in wild should be balanced. this is my only criticism of the game.

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Since you still donā€™t get my point, we will end this here.

Yeah. But thatā€™s because real life villains donā€™t work like that. The way real life villains work is like Light from Death Note, but with less magical notebooks. They can spend all day hurting people with a clear conscience because they convince themselves that theyā€™re the elite giving birth to a new beautiful world.

If you canā€™t imagine an internet fanboy making an edgy argument that so-and-so ā€œdid nothing wrong,ā€ then thatā€™s not realistic evil.

Iā€™ be been playing since 30 November 2021. Only bought 2 adventures otherwise no money spent (was before you could buy them with gold). As a f2p standard player I got all the commons and rares currently available in standard.

For rewards I would like more epics or legendaries. Still need a huge amount of them.

This game sucks. Move on.

free- as in doesnā€™t cost money

No such thing. Everything requires something to put in and that is a cost. Whether it be money or time itā€™s all the same. Nothing is absolutely ā€œfreeā€. The best you can do is make it as cheap as possible and HS has a system that can be gamed.

Buddy you just said that paying for the battle pass was free. { it isnā€™t} Iā€™ve paid about $80 a couple of adventures and a few packs. {over ten years} I thought by reminding you of the definition would refresh your memory. You are clearly you hoping for a Dallaen card next expansion. Thatā€™s the only way defending could be justified.

No but uh You will spend more than that just to play any game as an initial cost. Iā€™m sorry that couple of dollars spent bankrupt you but IMO that is basically playing for Free versus spending thousands of dollars.

I called you out saying paying for the battle pass isnā€™t free. Iā€™m not your mother you donā€™t need my approval and you are wrong in a fundamental level and no amount of ignorance will change that.

Your advice for free to pay players was paying for the paid tier of the pass. If I wanted to pay for something that will be useless in two years I could just buy nba 2k. Perhaps if the development team actually balanced the game. And I donā€™t know actually innovated. I would but right now hearthstone isnā€™t worth any financial investments.

The topic isnā€™t about the game being F2P, or whether F2P is sustainable.

The topic is about players opinions, if they like to see. Changes to other aspects of HS and whatever ideas they like implemented.

Twist atleats couldve had a mini set to get the new caverns of time cards, (that are in for 3months atleast)
Cause like evything basicly needs multiple of their new cards there

Like wanna play cā€™thun? you need the eyestalk (epic)
Wanna play shaman? need totem (epic) and prolyl the hero (legendary)
playr ogue? cant do without scrarab lord (legendary)

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Yeah if there was no duplicate protection working properly, (you still opened dupes, but they counted as two versions, but caverns would count seperately for twist.

(What if: Twist bundles?)

It would have been a lot more user friendly if all the twist cards were just sold as like a special wild/twist miniset bundle. Or maybe even both pack format, + purchasable mini bundles like 2 class bundles like Rogue/Druid, Priest/warlock, etc, as like 400g class bundles for each one.

(Monetization First(???), sustainability ???)

Instead, they put clunky monetization first. New players on f2p economy might struggle as is getting standard epics as is, old players donā€™t want to open up a pack full of dupes that initially looked like it destroyed original copies of cards.

I guess some whales might benefit from instabuying access to cards, but the pack system isnā€™t that targeted and crafting 10+ or 30 cards can get expensive quick.

(Mode meant for variety, becomes 3 netdecks simulator?)

Most people also wonā€™t really know what a good deck for a unknown (to them) format. So they might just tend to just netdeck the most interesting/powerful deck that seems to work for them.

And while no fault with the player, it might means a mode meant to have variety, ends up in practice as 3 netdecks simulator(??).

If que times are long, you might just see the same 10 people playing the same 3 meta decks stomping everyone out of exaggerating it further. 3-10 minute ques to face the same decks over and over in a mode meant for fun.

Then it kinda seems like a fun mode with a lot of potential is getting dragged down by extremely hard to sustain economy issues. After all, why play deck #2, if dust is limited, you want to build something that works,


My dust isnt even to limited (escpially after last set of nerfs)
but the fact its temporary (unlike wild, or classic which Twist replaced), for a month (if they dont repeat again like this month).

So id still just rather spend that dust on making some stuff golden even , cause if i make like my secretpassage as example gold, i know il atleast get use out of it forever in wild a,d if is nerfed i geta refund anyway
For twist certainly dont get refunds for your cards that rotate out of a twist season.

Also honestly worst part of gameplay side, is really the fact that blizzard touched/messed with the cards/meta compared to orginaL.
With the new cards and buffs.
Cause wasnt done to make meta healthier/better/more diverse or anything, but to put few specefic things they wanted ontop/in control.

They will squeeze every cent out of the whales till there is nothing left. I would like a new way to get cards personally a weekly quest to get a free pack from the latest expansion. I donā€™t feel like hearthstone is f2p friendly from the start. Itā€™s been about ten years though so things could have improved. {Catch-up packs will really help}

Devs need to be reevaluated is more like it.
But, as to this?

I disagree. I have played from jump and it is very f2p for me.
I think if you are new, that you will have problems, unless you pay, or are willing to work your way up to better decks.