DK DK DK DK DK Title must be at least 15 characters

Literally the last 5 games in a row and they were all playing the exact same deck and played every card in the same exact order, on curve, Are you kidding me?

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Wow, like literally?

Literally. I also don’t appreciate your sarcasm.

Oh look. matched against another DK. Let’s see what happens.

Also, they all had 2 dirty rats.

Been another 4 matches against DK. This is plat10, FFS. Every single DK has the exact same cads in and are playing them in teh same **** order. Always on curve.


Man plays five games. Man loses five games. Man rages in forums.

!This just in!

Man plays four more games. Man loses four more games. Man’s rage continues in forums.


more off topic spam, flaming, trolling, and harassment the mods will ignore.

op, were they actiblizz bots (they didn’t appear on the recent players list), or other bots (the ones with the obviously fake names, like aisjgfaskigaweigha)?

Because this 100% sounds like bots.

Whoa, that’s crazy. Usually when people say literally it’s not literally literally unless it literally is, that’s why I was surprised and had to ask. I wasn’t being sarcastic.


Absolutely nobody cares what you do or don’t appreciate. LMAO

Clearly, you cared enough to tell him you didn’t care, like every other poster who shows up and take the time to tell the world they don’t care, and leave the message that they don’t care until the heat death of the universe, or the forums come down.

Most people who really don’t care either pass the thread right on by, never even opening it, or don’t post and simply click that close feature generally located in the top right corner of the tab or browser.

Hitting back suffices as well.

This has been a public service announcement.

off topic : there wasn’t even a topic at first to begin with. 'Are you kidding me ?" isn’t really an open question. More like OP venting off

flaming : yeah you should check back on your definitions. They were condescending at worst

trolling : yeah, arguable, but not like if the main thread was serious anyway

harassment : absolutely not. lightyears away

mods will ignore : yeah… that’s called freedom of expression. Apart the ego of the people who recognized themselves in what they described, they didn’t hurt anyone. You can’t just censore someone because you don’t like what they say. Only “good” reason to remove their reply is for it not being relevant with the main topic. But the main topic isn’t much more relevant so you’d have to remove it too.

And if that had been everything typed, there wouldn’t be a thread. that little notice bottom left would have read “17 characters required.” Clearly it’s people running a script with dk decks, or bots and op doesn’t recognize it, and since the usual suspects are quick to pounce and deflect from anything bot related, it looks like we have our answer.

Online act of posting insults, often laced with profanity or other offensive language on social networking sites

second post:

fits the definition of trolling.

Ranges from:

aggressive pressure or intimidation


Harassment. Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors of offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates, and intimidates a person

It doesn’t matter if it’s a serious thread or not (and the excuse that an op’s topic is deemed “serious” seems to be used to justify more piling on by the usual suspects here).

Which doesn’t apply to the coc, which everyone agreed to when they created an account. The only problem there’s a double standard: one for those who get to harass people (up o hate speech, real threats and other “final warning” offenses) and everyone else, who gets the “LANGUAGE” edit (complete with mod note so fast it makes your head spin if a dev or the company gets cussed out (not that I agree with this either).

If there’s rules, they apply to everyone…or you wind up in a situation where your lead dev gets to livestream exploits they ban streamers for accidentally posting.

And of coruse, running scripts or bots is 100% relevant, something the people who do this in so many other threads want to distract from.

Still waiting for you to quote me where there were insults or profanities in that thread

Trolling I didn’t say there wasn’t. But this has nothing to do with flaming and harassment

No humiliation or intimidation in that thread so we can check these out.
Demeanition then ? Maybe, but being sarcastic to express that the way that thread starts has nothing constructive isn’t harassment. Please explain to me how Cestea’s reply qualifies as harassment. Because they are just describing the really occuring way people rage in their games and vent off on the forums.

It does if the thread itself can be qualified as trolling or spamming

Laws apply to everyone over any contract you will agree to. Because you agreed to have your organs harvested by your boss doesn’t make it legal if organ trafic is illegal where you live. Video games user contracts in general are full of abusive clauses that are illegal, but they are far from the priority lists of the authorities.

OP never ever said anything about bots, this is pure assumptions from you.
My assumptions is this is one more thread about some one being very unlucky, maybe thinking the “AI” that “choses your opponent and the order of the cards in the deck” is rigging their experience.


If 5 players are playing the same deck and have the same curve of course they will play the same cards in the same order, this has nothing to do with botting.

\ i’m not judging or trying to shame. your posts amuse me. and, i find myself agreeing at times with your views. it’s your attempts to strictly adhere and enforce the rules that were arbitrarily made by the same company you rail against. it makes an interesting irony. i hoped you would appreciate it too. sorry if i offended by pointing it out.

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It’s the arbitrary ENFORCEMENT that I find problematic. It’s often used to silence critics (the Blitzchung situation was a really obvious one, where they were letting regime propaganda run wild, yet posting the un’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights was somehow too spicy for these forums.

I appreciate the irony, especially with this company and their (lack) of standards over the years, which is why I take the time to point out why they are so quick to pearl clutch and swoop in on some posts (like I mention above), yet they have literally let posters bully a ofrum goer who posted they were on the verge of suicide.

I don’t take offense with legitimate discussion. I take offense with the bad faith actors like the ones who showed up above to try and shut down people like the op who may not have made the most well thought out post in the forums, but is clearly referring to issues we have all discussed that are impacting the game: botting, people running scripts, and so on.

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