DK Card Broken?

I was playing against a DK.
They played a card that had taking one of my minions on board as a deathrattle.
My minion was taken as a battlecry, instead.

Is this a known issue, and am I somehow mistaken?

Did your opponent play Reska, the Pit Boss or Sylvanas the Accused?

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It actually took two of my minions as a single battlecry.

Is this a bug, or am I ignorant of something?

A replay would be helpful in these cases if you could post one.

Reska is an undead minion and it is possible that your opponent has given Reska “Reborn”.

Reska has “Rush” and can attack right away. He attacks, dies, takes control over a minion and then a new Reska appears on the board because the previous one had “Reborn”.

The new Reska attacks, dies and takes control over a second minion.

I’m not 100% familiar with all the Death Knight cards but this is what could have happend.

It’s also possible that the deathrattle of Reska was spread to the other minions using “Death Growl”.

Rare · Spell · Festival of Legends · Choose a minion. Spread its Deathrattle to adjacent minions.

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Thaddius Sludge locks deck is a lot more broken than DK deck right now.

if that tier 4 is broken for you cant wait to see what you think about treant druid

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treant druid deck are not problem, I have dealt with them many times, but I cannot deal Thaddius Sludge deck.

I think you are right.
There was a lot of quick card shuffling. I think it was a spread deathrattle mechanic.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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it is possible that it could have been that tortollan lady from journey to un’goro that makes deathrattles trigger on his minions as they enter play. that with baron rivendare would make reska a double steal battlecry.

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Spiritsinger umbra. Never forget my first golden legendary pull. :slight_smile:


I play standard.
I can see that happening in wild, though.

  • Brim