DK + 4 classes are not represented in worlds

Not a single person brought warlock, shaman, dk, hunter, or warrior to worlds. I think that must be a record. Congrats blizzard.

Every single person brought rogue and priest. Nearly everyone brought quest DH.


Jambreā€™s Flat Earth Shaman did not make the cut :sob:

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Quest DH? Not spell dh? Cool

Would I rather win slowly with relics or OTK my opponent on 6

Talk about a complete and utter fail.


Yes itā€™s reflective of the meta, everything is playing like a otk deck, with druid leading the pack with the worst offending otk, but also the slowest.

Then you got decks like dh and rogue that try to race to a otk effectively by solitaire drawing mostly for the first 4 or 5 turns.

Game plays a bit like dogsht right now.


Curious which mage and paladin lists made the cut.

I think we can safely assume what is going in for the other classes.

I suppose it would be interesting to see the split on control/quest priest style decks and bless decks.

XL ping mage and control paladin mostly. They have the tools to deal with miracle rogue and boon priest boards, just ban DH.

7 Control Priests (3 with Quest, 4 without) and 9 Bless Priests.

But DK is good! They told meā€¦

Seems like all the pros disagree with that statement.


I am with you, blood is the best of the group with an average of C-. It had its moments early when people didnā€™t have a good grasp of how to play around it plus it kind of feast on some of the decks from the last meta.

Now that i have seen plenty of it and the meta has adjusted, that class almost always is a gimme when it shows.

They are literally same.

as expected. weĀ“re fully back with the UiS finish the game turn 6 the latest gameplay.

but well, enough other stuff to do over the holidays so thereĀ“s that.


We have 11 classes. Not having 5 classes means less than half the classes are considered worthy.

Hottake: thatā€™s not ideal, but itā€™s not that bad. In fact Iā€™d say thatā€™s kinda expected. Given a group where you have to rank things, the top half is usually considered good enough to great, while the bottom half is usually considered mediocre to trash.


I guess if they want to push 6 turn games at Blizzard hq, as crap as that is, Iā€™m ok with that.

What doesnā€™t seem okay to me is that most of these decks do nothing or solitaire draw for 4 to 5 turns, then effectively otk on turn 6 after playing their entire hand out onto board or face turn 5. Gross.

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I donā€™t think this is the case to be honest. Looking at how poorly Death Knight is performing, I canā€™t imagine this meta was expected in the slightest, let alone planned. I expect there will be a lot of changes next week.


If Rogue was nerfed I think DK would be pretty good. Feels strong vs the rest of the meta. But because rogue is LITERALLY half of ladder it doesnā€™t stand a chance.


First off, a tournament format should definitely not be used to judge the health of a Meta in Hearthstone. Looking at HSReplay, I assume Warlock is in a good spot atm and apparently nobody brought it (Shaman and Hunter both have tier 1 decks too). In these events you bring decks specifically for their matchups against other decks or even entire lineups for their ability to counter a single deck (I donā€™t know if this applies to w/e format this event is btw lol).

That being said, I agree the meta isnā€™t in a good spot and that itā€™s bad that 5 different classes were not brought, especially the newest one. These events should be a showcase and entertain the fans. No point in broadcasting it if people donā€™t actually enjoy watching it.

Itā€™s been ages since Iā€™ve actually enjoyed listening to the casters too. There is so much card generation and mana cheating that IMO they canā€™t even offer relevant insight into decks or how turns should be played. Instead they fall back on to broader strategies and guidelines for decks since it can be difficult to predict how someone will play their turn, let alone their next one.


Actually, rogue is not holding DK back, at least not miracle rogue. The frost DK vs miracle rogue matchup is nearly oppressively in favor of the frost DK (they freeze face + board repeatedly.)

Frost DK has other major problems but rogues AFAIK is not one of them. Perhaps DR rogue is, but I imagine it is not. I believe druid would be the biggest problem for frost DK as their life-total (ie. near infinite armor gain) is basically impossible to burn down post turn 6.

And yes, I believe frost DK is the best DK deck out there, it might be firmly in T2, possibly at the top of T2.

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Iā€™m looking forward to the Control Priest mirrors. ā€œHeā€™s gonna play Vision of Darkness and look for a Drownā€¦ Oh he didnā€™t get one. Heā€™s gonna play Vision of Darkness and look for a Drownā€¦ Oh he didnā€™t get one. Heā€™s gonna play Vision of Darkness and look for a Drownā€¦ He found one to drown the Miā€™Da. Heā€™s gonna play Vision of Darkness and look for a Drownā€¦ Oh he didnā€™t get one.ā€