DK + 4 classes are not represented in worlds


Pretty much exactly as I suspected.

This looks so bad for the expansion.

DK might get major buffs after this.

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Imagine balancing the game around 11 classes.
No wait, I have an amazing idea: let’s release a new class!
And let’s introduce a system that makes it impossible to use all its cards in one deck, so with only 1 class we are introducing at least 3 archetypes
:open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Let’s also sell half of these cards in a bundle
Then let’s forget the game needs balancing, let’s see how it goes and if things go wild we nerf denatrious as planned when we nerfed theotar 2 times


Easily the most uninteresting and boring HS worlds ever. This truly might be the end of competitive play for HS. I hope the casters are ready for endless long games of priest and mirrors.


I really hope not. Based on what’s happening in Arena, I don’t think the problem is DK being weak but that most of the other classes are just too hypercharged with power.

Like, as an example, a Rogue has the potential to kill someone on turn 2 if they highroll right. Now that’s a highroll, but maybe when we’re getting to the point where that’s a possibility in STANDARD, they need to pull back on the strength of the cards in SOME way.


I think that would be a huge blunder.

I think DK looks so bad because of a couple of really poor match ups with the most popular things.

Any sort of major buff would usher in the age of DK overlords.


Dk does need a buff but its more about the rest of the broken trash getting nerfed down a few pegs. No point in playing when dh draws their whole deck turn 7 and has a 90 something damage otk lined up. Or rogues putting down 30/30 stats of unclearable death rattles turn 5. Or when priest plops out nattgrounds sized minions turn 4. No setups required, no brain activity either. Just drop your cards and win. Im all for synergies but its gone way too far.


DK most certainly does NOT need a buff. DK plays a good game and a fair pace. What should happen is all classes currently brought into line with DK. I’m hopeful at rotation this is the design philosophy they are going with. You can see it in the set as well how cards are being created now with less overall power in mind.

A great example of this is the Druid armor design. Sure taking it with last years old cards it’s broken but once Guff goes druid can still go above the 20 cap now just in a more balanced and fair way. Banking mana is the way to go over just straight up cheating.

The real test will be if they have the balls to actually remove certain cards from core sets that break the game overall. If they actually remove Shadowstep and cards like it from standard pool i will be seriously impressed and believe they want a better game overall.


I agree.

If we tone down some of the more egregious non-game decks, DK seems like it’s in a good spot.

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The problem with the other classes is simple they dont cheat enough mana.
We have gotten to the point where mana cheat is the default way to play a class in the past you worked to earn your mana cheat now it feels free.


I should have specified blood DK. I forgot that the class has other viable archetypes honestly. Though I’m not sure if frost DK is the best since it felt like it struggles vs any deck with health gain or damage mitigation when I tested it, Control paly, big & skelly mage, blood dk, ramp druid and although I don’t have a ton of play time I’m not sure if it can race DH.

But yeah, frost dk has a favorable matchup vs miracle rogue and very likely DR rogue as well. DR rogue has a slow start into a very stick and power pop off but Frost DK have enough burn from what I have played, albeit limited play time from me.

EDIT: Frost DK is probably more of a slight favorable to even against DR rogue after giving it some thought but I need to play test the mu more for sure.

Truthfully, if this game is going to survive, Team 5 will seriously need to re-evaluate its design philosophy. The amount of power creep and Mana cheat introduced over the past couple of years has significantly impacted the enjoyability of the game for both casual and competitive players, not to mention the bone-headed decision to bring cards like Brann back into Standard with no foresight of the long-term consequences.


Hard agree, Blood and Frost are in a good spot, though I think Unholy could use a little bit more threat. Other than that the Problem is not DK, it’s manacheat and easily accessible OTK BS.

I predict that Blizzard will swing the nerf and buff hammers like a Berserker on shrooms and within a week we will be begging them to tune DK back down :smiley:

And do you want me to post every single ridiculous take and nerf threads that you’ve made ?!

I still stand behind my original comment, 100%

Wow, who would’ve thought that one time you were right you’d boast about it, but what about the times you were wrong ?

Oh look, I found a great example from just a few days ago.

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The funny thing is DK cannot be banned, its the HS championship rule.

Very easy to achieve it when no one brought DK :rofl:


They are strong decks, but they also require a lot of skills, especially naga priest and relic DH. Rogue may be the easiest one, since the only misplay you can make is using preparation after the spell that discounts the next spell


Talking aout quest dh though. Just draw like crazy.
Turn 7 or 8 out of cards and jace+spell damage ooops lethal

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Especially with rotation right around the corner.


It’s possible that unholy could use a buff or two, but triple frost and triple blood are downright oppressive to board based decks and I think they’re just as problematic as the fast OTK decks. If people think plaguebringer priest is powerful then they’re just as much or even moreso strong into the very same matchups control priest is good into. It’s not possible for most aggro or midrange strategies to have anything higher than a 20-30% win rate against them. Those decks don’t exist in the meta right now because many decks prevent them from doing so, and death knight decks are among them. The reason people are going all in on the fast OTK is specifically BECAUSE aggro isn’t allowed to exist. If we take away every OTK then triple blood and frost will suddenly see a massive spike in win rate. The cards and archetypes are not weak. they just have lopsided matchup spreads and they do enforce a RPS meta.


This is a good point, because Frost DK feels about as oppressive to board based decks as the pre-nerf Freeze/Skeleton Mage deck from MaCN.