Divine Shield is a broken mechanic

Blizzard eventually listened to the community that the hunter class having charge on virtually every card was broken. They need to realize the same thing about paladin and divine shield. Either change what divine shield does (maybe the minion takes half damage with it instead of 0) or remove it from most standard cards.


imaging getting silence on everything…Isn’t silence broken then also ?

What cards in particular do you think it’s too powerful for? Divine shield mostly seems fairly priced to me since you can break it with pings or ignore the minion.

If anything I think it’s maybe over tuned when added to rush or taunt minions. Look at how Cariel Roame has been in every meta paladin deck since she was released. I consider that a sign that a card is overpowered.

I noticed that too: there are cheap buff cards that add also divine shield; consider also the fact that early minions have more health than in the past (2 or 3) and this can lead to powerful early boards.

I don’t think they need to change divine shield or the single cards; just don’t print more cheap buffs that add divine shield when the “draw a 3 mana spell, it costs 0 this turn” is in standard

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No, it isn’t. ******

while it true it only takes 1 dmg to remove, the minion with divine shield still does full dmg a 8/8 with divine shield (you know the one pallies can summon up to 4 times) is a pain to deal with and takes alot of resourches for alot of classes.
The only class that easly can ping a shield are mages the rest have to waste minions/spells to do no dmg and then still have to deal with 8 health.
Personally i think divine shield is fine but divine shield with taunt is highly obnoxious and paladin got way to many of those.

The attacking minion shouldn’t take damage, why does hitting a shield do full damage?

So it’s libram of hope that’s out of line? I agree that it feels super unfair that you can have them on the ropes only for them to heal out of range and put up an enormous minion for very little mana. It’s often only five mana to cast but it can get down as low as three mana sometimes which is completely ridiculous.

It doesn’t feel like divine shield is itself the problem though. The problem is more that there’s so many ds + taunt minions that it feels restricting and frustrating to have to throw away my minions into the shield.