Discovering kotori lightblade

does anyone know the odds on discovering kotori lightblade with paparazzi or muckborn servant, or even getting it to randomly appear with maze guide? i can’t seem to get one to pop at all and it’s fairly frustrating given that i did the countess achievement in less than 10 games through discoveries … i also got the starlight groove achievement through discovering spells, though this several more games to get all the procs … i think i’ve seen nearly all of the standard paladin legendaries except for kotori … could this be bugged for some reason? seems really weird since i see the leviathan quite a bit and it’s from the same expansion … how unlucky am i getting?

Discoveries are not weighted like they used to be. Each card from a pool has the same chance to be discovered/generated.
A few cards are exceptions as they are removed from discovery pools and/or random summon effect pools (colossals can be discovered but can’t be randomly summoned, titans can neither of both, and some other specific legendary cards too, but Kotori is not one of them)
By checking the number of available cards in standard you have

86 Paladin cards (1 titan, 1 colossal)
48 Paladin minions (same)
12 Legendary Paladin minions (same)

277 Neutral minions (1 titan, 2 colossals)
49 Legendary Neutral minions (same)

417 minions from other classes (10 titans, 10 colossals)
114 legendary minions from other classes (same)

742 minions in total (12 titans, 13 colossals)
175 Legendary minions in total (same)
134 2-cost minions in total (0)

So if you summon/obtain a minion that is specificaly just 2 mana, you have 1/134 chance to have Kotori
If you discover a paladin card, 3/(84-1)
If you discover a legendary, 3/(84-1+49-1)
If you summon a random legendary, 1/(175-12-13)
And so on
(Sometimes a card can’t generate itself, and I didn’t take into account specific minions that can’t be generated like 3 runes DK cards, so the odds will be a tiny bit better)

Why do you want to discover it… in this god damn unbalanced game you can copy every minion 4 times and use it now…

i’m doing achievements and i don’t want to craft it

edit: and just fyi, it finally started dropping and i got the achievement done – i did it in bronze/silver standard with lots of copies of maki roll vs. bots

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