Discover? What happened?

What happened with Discover? How did it get so badly balanced? I made some decks with ONLY discover cards…and they all perform insanely and unexpectedly well. Shouldn’t Discover be toned down a bit somehow?

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What does “perform well” mean in this context?

The game often/always offers you options that are playable with your current mana?
The game often/always offers you options to heal yourself when you are low on health?
The game often/always offers you options that are well suited to the current game board state?

Perform well as in all I do is use these 1 cost 2 cost and 3 cost discover cards and they give me everything I need to take down any given opponent. Even the “real” decks. It’s difficult to outplay or outvalue or outanything against someone who is literally crafting their deck/strategy as they play. Especially when the options presented are so powerful, at no real cost/downside to the person discovering. Just try it yourself if you don’t believe me. So far I’ve tried DK and Hunter using all discover cards and I’m 8-0, even against “real” decks hand buffs, minis etc. So that is why I made this post asking why is these discover so easy and powerful that you can just put in a whole deck of discover and still win a lot?

In standard discovery pool is small after rotation. For example demon hunter has 11 demons so window shopper often gives good choices.

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I haven’t tried Only Discover cards with DH yet but yeah the pool is smaller in Standard. I made Only Discover cards with DK in standard and Hunter in Wild and they are ridiculous. What happened? For example, why are things like Papparazi a 3 mana 3/4 with a discover? Why does it get premium stats, with discover? Makes no sense. Why is Farm hand 3 mana 4/3 with Discover and 2 mana cheat? Why does it get premium stats with 2 mana cheat Discover? Why is Scarab Keychain 1 mana 1/1 with Discover a 2 cost? But the other Scarabs are 2 mana 1/1 Discover a 3 cost, and 3 mana 2/2 discover a 4 cost? It does not add up or make sense. But that isn’t even the real problem. The problem I am saying is I make a deck with ONLY discover cards, and win, often, even against real decks. That should not be possible…or, should it? Idk anymore.

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This is all that happened.

There is no big mystery as to why Discover gets better after rotation. Smaller selection of possible cards because 2 sets and 3 mini-sets leave Standard.

One of the Only Discover decks I was using was Hunter in Wild and it was still ridiculous even with the expanded card pool

It gets more consistent, sure.

But consistent does not necessarily mean better.

What if the remaining cards in the discover pool aren’t very good? How is that better?

It isn’t. That is part of discover being discover (RNG). Sometimes you discover the exact thing you need/want, other times you don’t. I have no problem with discover being good or bad, depending. I have a problem with how ridiculously easy and budgeted it has become, such that I can just type Discover, put all of the best Discovers in (and even the so-so ones), and win literally building the deck I am playing as I am playing it for the situation I am faced with, depending. I know that it is FUN again, I like discover ever since it came out. I guess tbh, I should just accept the game as it is and forget about how things should be but it’s so dumb/painful it’s like idk, maybe I am the one who is crazy here, I’m sure I wouldn’t be making the shareholders money if I was in charge, but at least the game would be better.

Would it be crazy to limit discovery to 2 card choices instead of 3?

I think it would help balance a bit especially after rotation with a limited card pool.

That might take away some of the fun of it. I think they just need to make discover more difficult to play. Again, why is Papparazzi a 3 mana 3/4 with Discover? I’m not saying paparazzi is a problem…more that it is indicative of the principle/balance (or lack thereof) of Discover these days. “Get the perfect card” should not also have premium stats. Something should have to give (see:original Discover cards, were actually balanced)