Discover as good as the Wish card! please NERF

I don’t know when … but since this expansion… discover has become like the wish card. I have logs and logs of my games since the expansion. Everytime i play against someone who uses discover, they keep getting the perfect counter to my board situation. I literally can post my game history to prove that not 1 single turn where i had an advantage in the game that discover didin’T screw me over. I have games where i play huge taunt warrior and a mage discovered the perfect counter card like 10 + times in a row. Even the healing minion that gives you a holy card screws me over. It’s not normal that discover is has been buffed to it functions like a Life saver or best situation card finder. We know that Zephrys the Great calls for the perfect card… we know that you implemented hidden mechanics but when i build a super solid constructed none RNG based deck and someone that just has 15 discover cards can beat me reliably with cards that give them 2 discovered card with reduce cost it kills the game.

On another note, if your that guy who decides to play those decks and get super unlucky it makes you wonder as a player… how is it possible for others to get lucky 10 turns in a row and you cant even can get a good card for yourself. RNG in hearstone is supposed to make a small percentage of the game unpredictable… Not make it so randomness is the key to off balance players ability to predict counter actions.

This mechanic was introduced to allow some random element to the game as a goofy zany unexpected thing like with the first yogg. But now 70% of games is totally random … i have to rely on me getting my cards and keep getting them trough out the game … i have to expect my adversary to not get his …and on top of that i have to accept losing if i fail to anticipate 10 turns in a row of discover cards …sometimes 3 discover + cards in a turn with the outcome of me not knowing what to expect.

It’s simple, to fix this make it so you see the discovered card or a player can only discover one card per round or make special unique discovering effects or spells or they can discover cards but they cant play them on the same turn. Or the most intelligent version i think, stop using hidden mechanics so that the game knows perfectly what card to give the player based on what is on the board. Even prison of yogg saron is horrible, i had a board with 5 minions of 10 to 22 DMG and 10 to 30 + hp … yogg casted equality then another AOE to kill all of them. all of these claims i make are on my firestone account.

As a legend player i find this to be gamebreaking. When you lose 5 + games in a row because someone randomly pulled or discovered the perfect answer to each situation to the point that even if you get the advantage 3 or 4 times in the game they keep clearing and regaining the advantage. It becomes frustrating and unplayable.

I watch tons of streamers on youtube and all of them get frustrated because discover decks keep putting the perfect answer over and over. I don’t want to grind 5 days to go from rank 5 to legend because my rng is good but my opponents discover RNG always counters me. Nobody can build a counter discover because there’s always a counter to a counter… then it becomes who ever constantly stays lucky throughout the game. Thats not tactical … that’s not skilled… in a world where everyone can copy decks online and have ZERO deck building skill, if you have to face situations where you can’t do anything more then a few times in the game due to facing godly rng… the game becomes unplayable.

Fix discover, it was made to spice things up…leave it that way. It was never meant as a perfect counter. Sure it can get you out of a bind once or twice …but when those cards cost nothing and have reduce spell cost and give 1 or 2 or 3 mana remove anything minion on the board card its crazy. Perhaps, the discovered card could cost more mana or all the mana remaining of the player but not less.

Imagine if you were playing Hearstone version of chess …and instead of being able to predict moves … you have to predict random effects and hope you get the card draw to match your opponents rng luck.

Lastly maybe a way to fix this could be a new standard mode where every turn you can put a card back in your deck and draw another one. So you don’t get screwed over… kinda like with the SIF card. I played the mage deck, its obvious that blizzard tweaked the draw of that card. In over 20 games i think i got sif once in the first 15 cards… shes always in the last 10 bottom deck cards. This is fixed… i say no more hidden fixes and manipulations. If my deck that i buil is godly, don’t make it weak because of some random BS.

this line of thinking is the source of your discontent. good luck in the future.

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Discover shouldn’t be like playing russian roulette but more as a desperate hail marry … Playing HS now is like, … ok I’m i gonna get kicked in the N… wait … not this discover … not this one …third one … FULL clear… AAAAHHHHH… put another strong minion on board, Discover BOOM perfect draw clear again …over and over and over.