Discard Warlock killing at turn 5th!

This tells it still needs a big nerf.

That’s pretty easy for a lot of decks to kill you on turn 5 and even 4 and even 3 if you don’t deny them enough
What were you playing ? What did you actually do in your first 4 turns ?

Some decks can highroll with explosive openings, it’s up to you to build a deck that can block their aggression. Sometimes your deck archetype is just too weak against another archetype and even your bets starting hand won’t compete.
Wild is not meant to be balanced for long games, turn 5 is already late for the mode. Even in standard you can get killed on turn 5.

Must be running out of ideas to complain for nerfs. A lot of decks can kill by turn. Basically, what you’re saying is we should gut all aggro decks, for example?