Disappearing Cards

I was browsing my collection today, and found I’m missing my diamond, golden Archbishop Benedictus from owning a certain amount of legendary cards. I have invested a lot of money getting golden cards for decks and keep finding things that are missing. I spent a lot of money and dust making a deck golden for my dk, then core dk cards were moved to 500 wins so that was wasted. Now I was working on completing achievements to unlock other diamond golden cards and saw this one missing. This is ridiculous. Y’all can’t keep changing things like this bc some of us are spending real money to make decks golden, then to change things after the fact is unacceptable. If I pay for something, I expect it to ALWAYS be there. Why are cards disappearing and being changed after being released?

I don’t think Archbishop Benedictus has a diamond version. If you are talking about Darkbishop Benedictus, the diamond version is in wild under the United in Stormwind set. They intend to allow us to use the diamond version in standard if we have it, but they haven’t implemented the fix yet.

That’s the card I’m talking about. It was in my old shadow priest deck. But the non diamond version is still in decks, so why would that matter? I mean I just faced a shadow priest with a golden Benedictus so what’s going on?

Benedictus was put into the Core set. It’s a different, temporary card given to everyone. If a priest in Standard was using the gold version, they either have the gold version from United Stormwind or 500 wins with priest (which unlocks golden legendary core cards)

Oooooh ok. But why would the diamond version that I earned be unavailable? I crafted the legendary cards I was missing to unlock it, along with others. I’m not very technologically savvy so I’m sorry if my questions seem ignorant.

It’s not supposed to be unavailable. It’s a mistake they intend to fix

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