Would you like to see your monthly paycheck reduced by 8%? It’s a tiny number after all.
Multiply it by 12 and suddenly you are working 12 months to get what you used to earn in 11.
Tiny number indeed
Follow my logic.
New player: 0 dust, 0 gold. You can farm gold but not dust.
Since the only way to get dust is destroying cards for a small return, it’s not efficient.
Idea: I’ll play what the game offers me.
After some years, I managed to gain some dust from nerfs and hall of fame, while also getting a good collection for some classes which I liked.
I also invested dust in some of these classes which I liked.
I also have some cards (epic, legendaries) for other classes which I don’t play, due to limited resources (druid) or disliking the playstyle (dh).
News: they are adding a new class, which means more epics and legendaries to collect.
I would like to play druid, but I am lacking cards amd I don’t have dust for every class, so I leave it to RNG from packs.
Now, with DK, you are telling me that I should use my dust to craft the cards I want?
I am not RNG god who finds everything I want in packs, I usually craft 3 legendaries per expansion.
Now, if I am lucky, I can find other 3 I like from classes I play. If I am very very lucky I may also end up with extra dust to use for a forgotten class (druid).
The fact there are now more legendaries to find only means I won’t be playing druid anytime soon.
I would really like to play with 20 mana, but guff alone doesn’t make a good druid deck.
Why would I want to invest in DK when there are already classes I would like to play but I can’t?
I don’t dust wild cards (I actually craft them as well), so I don’t have a lot of it, but I have to think wisely where I use it.
(It was a long explanation, but since you seem to not understand why an extra class for a f2p isn’t necessarily a good news I wanted to write the whole story. I hope my vision is more clear)