Diluted card pool?

Except for the cards they won’t let you dust because they amde extra special replacements with fancy art.

Sure, that is fair if you can’t dust them. I don’t think they should be in packs unless they come as a bonus slot, they are a cosmetic. Gold cards are at least more dust. The signature cards are also new and while unlikely Blizzard may change how signature cards are handled in the future.

This is just another take on shrinkflation. Instead of shrinking the packs to 4 cards they increase the amount of cards you need to collect.

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Hasnt the game had a steady release schedule of a new expansion like every 3 or 4 months for the last forever? I dont see how this is any different than before. You get the pack for the expansion you want and just avoid the “standard” packs and it shouldnt be an issue at all, especially if you are a silly dustaholic.

I dont always dust my cards, but when I do, its when I have “Dos Copies”.

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No, it’s not a relevant increase to the inconsistency in pack pulls (if you play 1 class, it’s a 0.6% lower chance to draw a legendary from the class you play for example, 1.5% if you want to include neutrals). Rares & Commons have duplicate protection so it’ll take 68 packs instead of 64 packs to get all of those on average or something like that (not a significant increase). Epics & Legendaries are so rare that adding a few more doesn’t really alter your chances of pulling the specific ones from what you want.

I think there are systems they should implement to give us more power over the cards we have in our collections, rather than relying on the abysmal dust system, but I don’t expect that any time soon.

Something like, spending some gold (300-500 or something) to swap a legendary, you get 3-5 new choices to pick one you want. That seems fairer to me than getting a 1/4 of a legendary every time you pull one you don’t want.

Doesn’t change much to be honest. This is mainly if you were unlucky enough to pull a legendary from a pack before you got it off the reward track, you now get a different legendary of your choice instead of 1600/3200 dust.

This change was basically so that people who pulled the free legendaries off of their initial batch of packs don’t get a mountain of free dust, it’s actually worse.

The rewards track is mostly unchanged. I think the paid track has 1 extra legendary card than it used to. But it’s one you get from Path of Arthas.

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MaCN breakdown by rarity: 49/35/25/25
MotLK breakdown by rarity: 53/38/27/27
% increase: 8.2/8.6/8.0/8.0

So considering that rares and commons grow more than epics and legendaries, the opening post’s claim is false. Yes, the set is bigger, because new class. 11 classes of class cards instead of 10. But that growth is fairly evenly distributed among all rarities and, to the extent it’s uneven, favors lower rarities.

Now as far as the general argument that packs aren’t rewarding enough, to me that’s like a grown man asking to speak to the Chuck E Cheese manager because don’t feel they got enough tickets for winning at skee-ball. If the tickets are the point to you, you’ve lost the plot, nevermind the question on how it reflects upon you that you’re playing a child’s game.

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I’d say it’s the AI playing with its pet human; not for the energy since they already got infinite power from the sun well. GG.

First of all, You might want to rethink what you just said, because I didn’t claim anything. I asked the question to everyone if this was a thing to be concerned with or not,
and I gave my opinion of how it seems to me, while giving latitude to be rebutted.
There is no declaration in anything I said.
Even saying the header is declarative would be reaching at best, but just to be clear, I edited it as a question.
This is why no one cares to have conversations here.
Someone always has to come along and accuse the author of lies or
some other dishonorable conduct.
So might as well just complain about how awful the game feels now.
Honest discussion always gets treated like crap in this forum.

Thank you for the data in spite of your bs.

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It is part and parcel in this forum.

1st, I review myself if I had send out the wrong message.

If there is nothing wrong, I would defend my position.

Lastly, let it pass and move on.

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I might agree, except this particular kid’s game has adult prices. It’s designed to make people spend more, and kids don’t have this kind of money. Even at chuck e cheese’s. So if the game is being unfairly stacked (and there’s a fair amount of videos showing those games are, just like the manipulation of the card pool here), complaining to the manager is the right move.

Because taking advantage of people is scummy. Taking advantage of kids is doubly so, which is why the lootbox fiasco hit the game industry hard and they are looking for a million different ways to skirt it.

It’s not the first time they have muddied the water to cover for their scummy practices: dumping runestones (the failed multi currency system from HoTS), making bgs p2w, then doing the crappy quest mechanics at the same time is recent example.


I don’t know, if I like the new bucket system for Duals, because I liked the old bucket, but today was the first time I got a Questline. I like Questlines and Colossals. I just wish there was a better way to get them, without dusting a bunch of my cards. I don’t know about the legend drop, because if everyone had them, then they wouldn’t be rare.

Can’t wait to dust every DK legendary for 400 duat instead of finding a legendary for a class I play which worths 1600 dust!
Very convenient indeed when I find 5 legendaries per expansion on average

But it does.
How many DH legendaries have you found in packs since its release? I doubt the answer is 0.

Who even cares about common and rares when we have duplicate protection? It is only meaningful to look at legendaries.

Note that we don’t open 1000 packs, so the law of big number doesn’t apply.
If I find 5 legendaries and one of them is a DK one, 20% of my legendaries are now useless; if the DK ones was instead a random from another class, since I somehow play 6 classes, the chances of having found a good one instead would have been greater than 50%

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If you play one class that is a you made problem that anything that affects said problem with other side problems, is ultimately no one else’s issue at all save for the one responsible for it. Complaining about it is sorta like the guy that makes room for more luggage in the vehicle by ditching the spare tire. And when the need arises to use said spare tire, somehow makes themselves not the culprit of their own decisions but a victim of someone else’s.

Dude, might i suggest you cool your jets and just recognize all he said was that something you stated was false. Thats not an accusation of a lie, a lie would be stating you knew what you were stating wasn’t true. Best I can tell Scrotie made no such argument. Making a false statement is something people do all the time not knowing they are. Opinions one holds are often great examples of this. Have you ever heard of a flat earther? No one made any claims on your character, just the words you chose to use and the meaning you chose to give them by way of your (now) question proposed.

Humans are complicated bags of meat and water and meaning. All of us are capable of the simplest of mistakes, the most horrifying evil, the kindest of deeds, and the whatever describes bobafett345 and his way to interact with others. You too can make a statement or question and have no intent or knowledge that what is being put forth might be false. You arent the first, remember we used to adjust the humors of the body as medicine… and you wont be the last… horse de-wormer meds for an air born virus…

just cool the jets, eh?

Yes, the chances of you pulling a DH legendary when DH came out went from 0% to 8% (now 7.4%). And now the chances of pulling a DK legendary are going from 0% to 7.4%.

Buuuttt… that only effects things if you literally just don’t want DH legendaries. I think reasonably a F2P player can probably build around… 3-5 decks. A lot of that is from crafting legendaries and epics with Arcane Dust. Most of the time the two class legendaries do not go in the same deck (there’re exceptions like the new Rogue legendary). So in that case there’s like 3-5 individual legendary cards you actively want for a specific deck.

Also… I think most people want cards from the new class anyway.

I don’t think that’s really a reasonable thing for Blizzard to accommodate for. But as I said, I’d like to see Blizzard implement more ways to trade your cards you don’t want for a chance at getting cards you do in general. The dust system is just far too inefficient.

It was a hypothetical just to set terms for how much the chances of you pulling a legendary from one class go down by. But really, as a semi-F2P player I don’t even think I usually want both legendaries for each class anyway.

I’m excited about Halduron, don’t care about Hope of Quel’thalas. Think Anub’rekhan is cool, don’t care for Elder Nadox. Mage has probably been my “main” for the last year or so, but I don’t like either of the two new mage legendaries. But I like both Priest legendaries. Liadrin, Astalor, Mograine, Invincible all interest me. Among a smattering of other class legendaries.

To be fair, he did just ask questions. He didn’t actually claim anything.


Only people with a full collection would like a new class with more cards to collect.
A f2p or a player who has a limited collection and plays only 5/10 classes has no interest in trying out a completely new class. It would be more convenient to try one of the remaining 5 classes, since you probably have some cards already.

Instead of being excited about the new DK, which will cost our resources, they could have made DK archetypes into already existing classes, which would have been cheaper.
I doubt in the next meta all 11 classes will have a unique archetype which is also competitive; so for me the only reason they had to add a new class was to sell more

Would it have been much different if blood DK was a warrior archetype, unholy DK was a warlock archetype and freeze DK was a mage one?
Economically for us, yes, it would have been cheaper, but blizzard would have made less money.

I doubt people excited about DK would have been excited about the same exact cards in warrior, warlock or mage.

This is a weird framing, but if you’re saying people don’t want new classes because they don’t want more cards to have to collect. I disagree.

I feel pretty safe saying that’s not widely true either. You don’t, I’m sure others don’t. Fair enough, but I don’t and I don’t have a full collection. I guess I won’t assume things about other people, but I feel safe saying there are other people excited about a Death Knight class.

They do right now, some of them have multiple viable archetypes. It’s entirely possible.

Yes. It would have been different. I love the flavour of Death Knights and the new Corpse mechanics. And the rune mechanic. There’re absolutely mechanics that could be in… Mage or Warrior or whatever, but not in the same way for sure.

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Didn’t he support joining NAMBLA? While out of one’s mind on shrooms?

Of course he didn’t, but my point is that saying that you’re not making a claim because your sentence ends in a question mark is ridiculous. It’s some motte and bailey BS.

I really don’t think it’s that serious. Also there’s a difference between an inference, and an opinion.

It can be inferred that someone has chopped this tree down due to the stump having a clean level stump and the trunk of the tree and most its branches is missing.

It may not have been chopped down, it could simply have fallen and someone came and cleaned it all up and grinded the stump to a clean even looking stump cut.

The first sentence I wrote above contains an inference that is factually wrong, false, or just plain incorrect. Pick your flavor of how to state it.

It is my opinion that all Rogues in WoW and HearthStone are Feds spying on us.

I am entitled to my opinion, no matter the status of the facts or lack thereof, supporting it. It doesnt mean that my opinion is immune from being a false, incorrect, or just plain factually wrong at its face or core.

I can ask a question without loading it with my own claims of “All Rogues Are Feds” stances are true? It seems I can ask them, but not maintain it is only a question, but one that is merely my agenda being disguised by a question framing.

Not to be confused with an open agenda -less form of that: Can I ask a question to try to verify if “All Rogues Are Feds”? Which is certainly a fine framing compared to the above.

If you lack any cards from the set then I dont see how its a diluted card pool. Just by having another class to fill out the cardlist doesnt make it diluted. You’d need those cards for the collection, for making a deck of that class, for playing that class as it integrates into Duels. etc. So unless you are on of those that go against the grain of a Collecting card game protocol and refuse to collect the cards… it isnt diluted by adding DK. If Anything it is diluted by having all new cards for all the other classes instead of the expansion being all the flavors of DK only. Now instead of getting more DK cards Im forced to collect more mage and hunter and rogue and warlock druid priest etc cards…

Thats the only diluted card pool I can see an argument for.

Worry about yourself, kid. I’ve been on this planet way longer than you, and I know an insult when I read it.

The degree of insult does not change when he insinuates that I am a liar.

It was phrased as a question before I edited it. Learn to read.
You know exactly what you can do with your remarks.
You’re only here attempting to douche the thread in the same cretinous way you always do.