Did you fire your Network Stability Team?

I’m just wondering if Microsoft has fired the Network Stability team yet.

Every patch game stability and server connection gets worse and worse. Can’t play a single match on wifi without the match hanging every turn and the game disconnecting. Half the battleground lobbies crash because “your opponent failed to respond”. Constantly skipping the battle phase because you can’t seem to code battle sequence animations.

I am so happy that Blizzard no longer exists. The real talent and competency left this studio long ago. Hopefully Microsoft can salvage successful titles from the dumpster fire left by DEI Devs who aren’t even qualified to program an automatic Ice Maker.


I’m having issues lately myself. The game crashes every 4th or 5th game on my pc and on mobile/tablet, the crashes are constant. Sometimes I can get back in quickly but most of the time I come back and it’s a loss. Unbelievable the amount of money people spend on this game, including myself is astronomical that we shouldn’t have crashing issues like this? Are people hacking is that’s what’s going on ? I’m just so fed up with this game, seems like it’s always so negative and tocix in so many different ways. I’m really at the point where I’m HATING the game. The frustrations outweigh the positivity by tons! Hearthstone devs better wake up or the game will go up in flames… be warned

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