Did Deviantart take over this game

Lol what is this? This game looks so soulless now


Are you talking about card art? I agree. Part of the reason a lot of previous card arts had life to them was due to them being the original card artwork from the TCG from years ago. Blizz probably ran out of unused works, so now they have a single team creating new content.

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No…not nearly sexy enough, and Jaina (among others) is still censored to appease one of the worst human rights abusers.

Not the game (though it does have issues of its own), just the subsidiary of the company that runs it. Hopefully, either the state and national investigations will do the job, or microsoft will clean house.

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I like some new artworks (but I don’t remember them).
What I remember are the artworks I don’t like: the newest example is the new finley: wtf were they thinking?

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While a bit off topic, speaking of art, have you seen the new Unity realtime cinematic?


Big, no, huge agree!

At least partially, a reason why I stopped playing and even caring about the normal ranked was not just because of its ridiculous mechanics but also because many of the cards dont even feel like Warcraft. Im ok if there is some deviation from the theme but generally I expect to see artwork that I have at some point seen in WoW over the years.

Its a unique selling point that HS is under threat of losing and Im not sure to what end (if they aim to attract wider audience by doing that, Im not sure this is succeeding).

Be careful brainwashed minds will bash you here for daring to see the truth…
‘Wake up Neo’


Idk there are like a handful of cards that look really good and then the rest look like they could have been made by a child.


This thread is kinda ironic since a lot the old artwork was made by Deviantart-ists. Like for example, the original hero portraits.

Pressing F for original Jaina.


I actually think that the new art is way better. It is a little more cartoonish and colorful, but because of that it make each card to look way more unique and recognisable.

Truth is not a subjective opinion like the OP posited. You can agree or disagree with them, and that’s perfectly valid. Neither is truth, they’re both opinions.

But if that’s an opinion…how can we know YOU are telling the truth?!


; )

How can we tell if you’re telling the truth? Maybe your post is more incredulous than the poster above?

How can we tell if ANYONE is telling the truth?!

Who sits on the throne of lies, smelling of beef and cheddar? Only an elf, pure of heart, played by Will Ferrell can lead the way.

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Some of the new art and voicelines is great, happy Blizzard improved.