Diamond 1-legend filled with hackers or just stupid rng

been stuck on diamond 1 for about 3 weeks, after 29 games they are ALL and I’m not exaggerating… literally ALL 29 games have been aggro paladin. Like is this some kind of joke? I’m not being funny but this is absolutely ridiculous.

this is my first time getting anywhere near legend and I’m now being forced to play against ONE and I mean ONE STUPID BRAINDEAD CLASS FOR 29 GAMES!

is this blizzards way of stopping new players from actually achieving something in this game?!

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think about it this way. a lot of people with low skill are desperate to climb to legend. aggro pala is a deck that allows braindead gameplay while still being effective.
i do not believe you when you say 29/29 were exactly that deck, but there are quite a few of them on ladder.
as long as braindead gameplay can also be good, ladder will be flooded with them.

you don’t have to believe me, but im being serious. knocked down to diamond (star 1) then I climb to star 3 after some lucky draws and then knocked back down to star 1 again. It’s not me lying or whatever literal facts and the fact that aggro paladin is so liked cause it requires 0 skill to pump and just close your eyes when placing minions is stupid.

Man, I wish every deck I played against on my way to Legend was exactly the same. I’d be sure to adjust my deck and playstyle to counter them instead of ramming my head into a brick wall.


problem with that is, you alter your deck and you just ruin the deck altogether…

I would love to queue into the same deck 100% of the time. You just play the counter deck and it’s ez wins.

Hardstuck cuz refuses to play counter

thats not the point, the point is how bad the rng is. Plus, I finally made it to legendary after eventually running into 3 spell mages now i can relax and say that i went from beginner levels to legend with no meta decks and one continuous deck. I made and not copied.

Im assuming your challenging “them” because your just to awesome against other types.

dont assume to much, might get a headache.

And what, trigger the algorithm and get another deck ? Lul think harder

This. D1-Legend is filled with try-hards, and the closer to Legend you get – and the closer to the end of the month – the try-harder your opponents will be. Right now, the deck of choice for this pocket meta is either the hand-buff, or swarm paladin. You’re going to see a lot of that, and it shouldn’t be a surprise. 29 games in a row is a bit extreme – and frustrating – but it’s not beyond imagining.

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