Devs want to make meta slightly slower

example aggro dk (box convert 1 to 3 x 4/5rush) , turn2 envolve shaman and the aggro shadow priest mini set stuff.

we got another step of more mindless absurd powercreep.

nothing slowed down.


Good exmaple of this was in wild, with kingsbane deck has so much draw espcially with 2 silverleafs on it that the 10 extra cards where super usefull just to not fatigue as easly and allow you to more freely use the 2nd silverleaf on it.

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Good thing that’s not what I described. I described a card that only needs to be addressed when they come in groups.

My argument was perfectly valid. It is your rebuttal that is invalid, since it failed to address what I ACTUALLY said, and instead simplified to a straw man that you could easily dismiss.

For what it’s worth.

So what you’re telling me is that we need two removal cards to deal with one minion card. Because removal doesn’t need to be relevant unless it comes in groups.

So why were cards like Holy Smite ever printed?

No, and I cannot even fathom how you managed to read that from my post. Quintessential “So you hate waffles” post. Would you like to try again, or should we all assume what we are bound to about the IQ of someone with a name like yours?

I dunno. Lyra combos? Because outside of that, I’ve never seen that card in a game except when it was randomly generated by Sunwell or something.

Ah right then. Because you personally haven’t seen it it was never meta? And a crucial card for answering early minions?

Do a little research before talking such unhinged drivel in future.

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Let’s make meta slightly slower, lads.
By making people concede to evolve Shaman on turn 3 ofc.

I’ve got something you can research in my pants, jackass.

I guess I should clarify that I never saw the card at a level of play that actually matters.

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I’ve got something you can research in my pants, jackass.

This made me laugh, ngl

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I gotta admin, I LoL’d too. That was unexpected, and great comedy.
