Dev's if you don't want me to get to gold tier just tell me

bah. nevermind. No point arguing here as it’s only elite wins and everyone else loses here.

The games balance is garbage and very much pay to win either you buy the packs or get steam rolled.

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The game was never p2w and it still isn’t.

It is easy to be F2P in this game and still reach legend every month.
I did this multiple times in standard and wild and I haven’t paid anything in this game.
You need to be comitted though.
I play HS since beta and have only missed like 30 days of quests in all those years.

The game can be expensive if you want to play multiple classes/decks and if you don’t want to grind.

As long as you are careful and intelligent with your resdources this game is quite cheap for a live-service-game


If I had a low budget and wanted to climb in gold, I would be playing treant druid because it’s one of the least expensive decks in the format but still effective when you play it right. It’s also quick games so you don’t have to dwell on bad match ups.

Treant Druid


Class: Druid

Format: Standard

2x (0) Aquatic Form

2x (1) Forest Seedlings

2x (1) Lingering Zombie

2x (1) Living Roots

2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear

2x (1) Witchwood Apple

2x (2) Crooked Cook

2x (2) Mark of the Wild

2x (2) Natural Causes

2x (3) Conservator Nymph

2x (3) Herald of Nature

2x (3) Plot of Sin

2x (3) Soul of the Forest

2x (5) Blood Treant

2x (8) Cultivation


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Find this deck on

It’s a pretty straight ahead list that’s very tight and the total dust to craft, even if you have none of the cards in the list, is less than making a single legendary.

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when i started playing hs i was ftp. i found that you can climb reliably, but you have to lose the collector/completionist mentality. here is what i did.

focus on standard. if you are trying to be ftp, you will never get the cards to compete in wild, or duels, or twist.

don’t fall in love with cards, they are only dust resources that you use to make decks that can climb with.

gold cards are pretty, but their real use is they dust for the amount to craft a different card of the same rarity. i.e. a gold rare gives enough dust for a regular rare…etc.

focus only on the strong meta decks, that way you can climb consistently. also if you craft the strongest decks you get better value return on nerfs.

once you pick your 1 or 2 decks to climb, learn them inside and out. watch streamers play your deck for pointers. (it’s hard to find decent streamers who explain their plays. ecore100 on youtube is pretty good though.)

if you use a deck tracker, look over your games after you are done and in an analytical mood. sometimes you see better lines, and plays that weren’t obvious, and you missed because you are racing a clock.

being ftp means managing resources efficiently, because those that can pay don’t have to worry if they waste dust. ftp can’t afford to make too many mistakes. the margin for error is too tight.

most importantly be patient, nobody gets good at anything overnight, don’t worry so much about beating your opponent. worry more about playing your deck better this time than last time. if you manage that the wins follow.

sorry for the novel, but hopefully this will help someone.

good gaming to you all!!


Treant druid deck was not too bad for me. But I think I’m missing a few key cards to dominate.

Anyways, Finally made it to Gold tier 10. Way I did was kinda dirty. With the Arrow Naga card, I buffed that and another minion with the bunch of banana spells to increase their stats until I had enough to eliminate their hero. However, the player conceded until i had the chance.

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Visit the link.

Infinite loop. My point stands. Blizzard needs to go over every possibility of situations like this before putting cards live into the game.


I encountered this combo several times yesterday. Took 9 damage just from 1 naga.

congratulations for achieving your goal!!!

good luck on the new goal that will take its place. :smiley:


Thanks. But not going to play any reg hearthstone until the reset.

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