Devolving missiles


It is soooo strong for 1 mana, it is practically a mass dispel - sometimes stronger.


And sometimes much weaker as it’s only 3 targets and it’s random…


How is it powerful? The text just says “devolve everything except the gigantic threat that you actually want to hit”. That shouldn’t cost more than one.

I tried casting it onto a board with nothing but an 8/8 Edwin and the three missiles just coalesced into a magic hand that flipped me the bird and booted me out of the app.


on paper it’s really a really good card, but in reality it isn’t always good.

Devolving missiles against a board of 7 mana minions does basically nothing.
It’s a good card to make ress priest suffer and libram paladin questioning his buffs choice, but someone has to take the hit, from one class or another.

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“random enemy minions” if there was a board of nothing but an Edwin it will hit the Edwin 100% of the time.

And ya its garbage against a full board. It isn’t meant to counter a full board. If you are against a full board you need a board clear. It is extremely strong against a board with a couple minions.

Maybe I am just tired of blizzard saying a card is balanced just because they made it a random effect.


because its random

if we could choose the target for each shot it would cost more…

lol this did not age well with my previous post.

Making something “random” shouldn’t make it a balanced card. Some games it will be OP and some it will be uhhh UP (under powered). That’s so frustrating, just make a balanced card every game.


being random can make a card unplayable too

when was the last time you saw someone playing tinkmaster overspark ?


ya over spark is mega situational when against one big baddie minion.

Just delete most “random” cards that can change the tide of a battle if you get a lucky die roll. Random is cool when it is a minor effect, but imo it should never be game changing.

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I would play it ANYTIME to have a small % to beat ress priest in wild.
Too bad I don’t have it and I don’t want to craft it this close to the “classic set revamp”


i mentioned that card because its effect used to be

Battlecry: Transform a minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel at random

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Interesting enough to say that even post nerf thinkmaster overspark wasn’t really a bad card.

His use passed from pseudo removal to token deck buff.

While it wasn’t too much popular the fact is that turn your 1/1 or 2/1 token into a 5/5 in the early turns can be game winning.

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DM is only really good in unique sceanrios. It’s good against Paladin, Enrage Warrior and specifically Edwin in the current meta and OK to Bad against everything else. Mage still loses to all those decks unfortunately and Shaman doesn;t run the card outside of the fringe, meme, control fatigue shaman deck.

I don’t own devolving missiles either, I don’t think it would help you a great deal at beating big priest, you probably leave priest with an 8 and 7 cost minion, which they probably would love to rez just the same.

I have had my devolving missles hit the same target three times leaving the scary threat untouched. It is very strong against 1 or 2 buffed/overstated minions but it is not that great agaisnt vanilla minions and is terrible against wide boards and understated minions.

Sometimes Earth shock would be better as I could hit the target I want. The main way I can get the card to work is to optimize the board it is against by killing as many tokens or bad targets beforehand. If you are relying on devolving missles as your only option, then you have to remember that there are likely a lot of other cards you could have slotted in your deck that would be much better in your current situation where you dread drawing devolving missles. A characterisitc that just about every card has.

1 mana - its ok, this is weak card, nuff said

This card used to feel oppressive in paladin vs. mage matches during the Scholomance meta. Mage had many ways to generate random spells or to discover spells and they would always use this spell to counter the paladin buffs and Argent Braggarts. It made the matchup miserable.
But that was when mage was actually good. Now, mage is generally weak so if they manage to play this card and get some value from it, I kind of just shrug it off and move on.

man everyone sure is cool with deathrattles being unplayable for the rest of this cards lifespan huh

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silence and transforming effect been a thing in the game for years so i guess going by your logic DR was never playable


transform effects never cost 1 mana, and were never so easy to generate either

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