Developer Insights: Hearthstone Battlegrounds Rating System Update

Sorry Blizzard,
what about rating “floors” for battlegrounds?

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Bullsh*t, there is no more floor each 500 point. blizzard did not see fit to talk about it in one of its patches


There is not indeed… weird they mention it

this reset is BS. I went from 12k to 0 and now I can’t even get 300 pts for first since I hit 2k, yet I am seeing others at 10k still getting them.

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How does is the selection of opponents calculated if you play with multiple friends of various levels? Is it ranked vs the party-leader or is there an algorithm that takes the average of the internal party rating?


I think the reset is a great idea, people take this game too seriously. Matching the players up works for me. I can’t understand how someone would rack up 15000 points unless they were sharing their account with multiple people.

The reset just reinforces the concept that the game is played for fun

Made to the end of the reward track and I only get to pick ONE SKIN! I paid $20 for THIS! What a rip off! It took to long to get to level 50 and I was getting a lot more gold for buying card packs before. Now I’m stuck with the few cards I get. It’s pay to win now. I has become harder to build decks and to win. I’m not finding the game rewarding anymore. And for $20 I can buy different games to try. Blizzard feels dirty more and more each day.

First: Battleground dev team - Battlegrounds are awesome, most fun I had in a game for a looong time. I actually think I am addicted to this.

Second: As many other posters I dont like a hidden system. Why don’t give exp on wins as a progression tracker and use rating as the internal rating that reflect how good you are?

I think many of your players play seriously and want to see where they are at and not some fake progression rating…

That said I still love battlegrounds, its really fun.

wow, tried battlegrounds after a 2 year break. what a joke and waste of time. by round 3 im facing minions of incredible attck numbers, rarely do i get a triple let alone ANY minions that would help. why would anyone play this after losing horribly 10x in a row? not to mention i am almost never given a minion with poison and while other players seem to get 3 or 4 of them i get none and when i do have one in play it goes and attacks the most obvious wrong minion completely shattering any attempt at strategy. why wouldnt my minion hit the murloc with 100 attack but die attacking a 1 attck minion??? how does that make any sense? another good game concept ruined by non gamer developers

It works as intended. It’s and RNG simulator with a bit of strategy build in. Even the best strategy won’t save you if the heart of the cards in on the opponents side.

Thanks for the insight about the internal and external MMR.
My question to you, does ‘duels’ also have this internal and external ranking system?
And if the answer is yes, do you think having a high internal MMR while your external MMR is low (after reset) gives a false sense of winnability to a player? especially considering the entree fee for heroic?

who knows
their entire system is whacked in any mode
ranked is the worst
no matter how far i make it each month
im alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way back to the bottom of the barrel
then i face decks again that i havee no possible hope of competing against
dead by round 4, how is that fun blizzard? do you “developers” even read this?
oh you only take advfice from the top 10 coiners in the world

So said I the first 10 matches and so said my friend. Now we are both addicted. Sure its alot of RNG but once you learn some different cards and heroes and how they work together your chances will increase…
When I started first 10 matches or so I didnt finish top 4.
Next 10 matches I finishe like 2-3 games in top 4
Now I usually win 1-2 games / 10 and finish top 4 in 3-4 and under top 4 approx 2-3 games out of 10.

So even if rng plays a big role skill and strategy also plays an important role.

I couldn’t agree more with all those posting how bad the design of this ranked system is. Blizzard use the ‘hidden’ rating system in all their games, so while it may look to a player unfamiliar with blizzards bad system, that the new ranked matches in overwatch or hots or now hearthstone bg matter and will boost you up the ranks - in actual fact you are still just leveling up or down your hidden number. Is there a culture at blizzard about lying or something? Is deception about skill level considered a good design in modern games companies?
I think blizzard could learn from teams like respawn (apex) on how competition is actually compelling for players.
All these bad design decisions to water down game experiences until the only group their games appeal to are casual gamers - it’s pretty sad imo. Particularly when a lot of their games have some great ideas and could have had better longevity if they made them worth improving at.
And Especially when they were endorsing a ‘pro scene’ in overwatch - which is literally one of the most boring games to watch, because of how incredibly diluted the game is so that casuals can enjoy it - shoot at each other for 2 minutes whilst achieving nothing and building ultimate … oh dear.
Anywho bad change, get some better designers for your competitive projects please. Til then - there’s other companies making compelling competitive games, and blizzard will be the ‘casuals only’ brand - I guess except for sc2, why is that done so much better than your other games?!

I don’t like the idea of not knowing my actual rating. Makes the displayed rating mean nothing in my opinion. I think hidden mmr is a bad idea not only for this game, but others as well.