Desert nestmatron

WTF even is this card? How broken can a card get? A FREE 4/6 taunt? I;ve never seen a druid hack play tht card without it being buffed because of how stupidly easy it is to buff their ENTIRE deck.


The Druids and Warriors right now are having a field day.

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Maybe next time get the stats right if you want to be taken seriously …

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0 mana …

you are confusing it with crypt keeper


It was buffed. Did you even read my post?

So if a player uses other cards to reduce a card’s cost to 0 and increase the stats to 20/20, would that be a free 20/20 and unfair?

bro, its free because it refreshes your mana crystals.

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I built the Dragon Druid deck and played maybe twenty games with it before being bored out of my mind. It was a good deck but I’m having more fun playing spooky mage even though it’s not great.

Dragon Druid feels like I’m on rails.

That said I guess they thought it was balanced because it’s one less dragon for your golem dragon play? I have no idea but it is a really simple and powerful card.