Deputization Aura

Why can a paladin activate two aura spells at the same time? Why do they only buff old cards from a single class?? Favoring the ranked party??? I collect paladin but I like the concept of the mage class, but the hearthstone mage is shiit, it’s a piece of shiit!! As mage it is a weak class and on purpose!! Wouldn’t it be better to delete the class and dust the cards?
I think I’m only playing this game because of mage, even though he’s such a piece of shiit!! Congratulations to the interns who make the mage cards!! Why do mages always get the worst cards??

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Stop crying!! Paladin is the best class in the game right now!! Leave it at that!!


Was always!! And I collect both paladin and druid, because the owner of the game loves the druid. I still think DK is stronger than the paladin!

Paladin didn’t get any legendary in this new collection so they’re going to buff the old cards!! This new collection has some cool cards!! About 80% is rubbish, it only exists to turn to dust!! The two druid Legendaries ARE OUT OF THE CURVE!! It’s a druid, what is a paladin next to a druid??

–>>You don’t even live on the American continent! Stay there on your forum! You don’t even play on this server!! Boring Czech!

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all classes can play 2 auras at the same time

so for consistency

Any class can have 2 Southsea Captains to give their pirates +2/+2, that’s what have been called an aura before they printed dedicated aura cards.
Allowing 2 copies of an auras to be active at the same time is just consistency with the auras from minions

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If course paladin is overpowered it’s the games training wheel class for new players I mean you can win by turn 4 most of the time I have even swung a win on turn 3 it’s why I think when players act all cool winning with them I think it proves how trash the are like winning first game with rattlegore if you cant manage that your the trashest of the trash and egging opponents with those characters shows how terrible a player is I you need to use them and trash talk to feel superior

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I’m going to stop playing mage in ranked, I just played DK RAINBOW and a 10 mana mega spell modified the effect!! It was broken!! Now the effect is based on the NUMBER OF BODIES SPENT, with 3 cards the damage went from 6 to 29 damage!! The game is unfair, but I’ll only play DK!!

Now you’re going to cry about DK RAINBOW because they buffed DK’s mega spell! This weak buff from the paladin card is rubbish compared to the BUFF they gave to the spel: Climactic Necrotic Explosion!!

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I have you know that I do live on the American continent; United States, actually and somewhere on the Western Coast. I do play on this(?) server and I’m not Czech. :rofl:

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I saw it in game, it was a paladin opponent who did this: He activated the spell: Shroomscavate on his TITAN and then he activated TWO EFFECTS on the TITAN, these changes you only discover in game!!

If the rogue’s TITAN activates TITAN’s last effect in the current turn, it can now hit you in the face!! Any other TITAN can’t do this!! There’s no balance, I still think it’s a bug!! But I will accept these new undocumented schedules!!

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What change ?

What you’re describing has been in the game since Titans have been implemented.
Titans with windfury can use 2 abilities per turn.
Frozen Titans can’t use any ability.

Since abilities replace their attacks, that’s the correct behavior.

Any Titan can use several abilities per turn when given windfury, just like any minion can attack several times per turn with windfury.

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There was a game where I faced a mecha rogue last month, on the rogue’s turn, he activated the last effect of his TITAN, ok!! So far everything is normal, but he used this TITAN to attack my hero, the rogue’s TITAN can now hit the enemy hero’s face in the turn that the TITAN’s last effect was activated. You don’t do this with any other TITAN!! When I face a mecha rogue who doesn’t know this fact, I thank God for the opposing mecha rogue’s lack of knowledge!! Few mecha rogue players know about this trick!!

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And you’re sure they didn’t grant their MECH titan windfury by MAGNETIZING a windfury minion ?
Let’s say a Sparkbot with windfury from From the Scrapheap ?
Any titan with windfury can attack after their last ability if their last ability is their first move of the turn
A titan with mega-windfury can even use all its abilities and attack the turn it is played.

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There are two different facts, the first I reported the case of the paladin with the fury of the winds spell on his TITAN. And another thing happened with the rogue’s TITAN, whose opponent was a mecha rogue. I played the whole last month, I probably played 80 games a day, about 60% of that amount was mecha rogue, and I only remember TWO mecha rogue players who knew this trick!!

Maybe because only 2 of them were able to find a windfury mech since i’ts never guaranteed ?
You still haven’t explicitely said that they didn’t grant their titans windfury

There was no fury of the winds, he was just activating TITAN’s effects, when it was time to activate TITAN’s last effect, he used his TITAN to hit me in the face, I was scared because I didn’t know it was possible to do that! ! I only remember two rogues who did this, the vast majority of them don’t know about this trick!!

Well I have a recording that debunks what you are describing.
The rogue T1t4n cannot attack after using its last ability unless it has windfury.
So clearly, either something got changed recently which I doubt, or you missed something during your games.