Demon seed still broken

Who every your developers are must be either lazy or just dumb in general. This card is still broken in wild and 100% still super easy to complete without issue. Played against 5 warlocks playing this quest after the update and easily lost due to them just running all their cards and healing back to full.

Even played it myself to prove a point how stupidly broken this quest is and have won every game i have played with it and put zero thought into my plays. Sure changing 1 minion helped make it impossible to complete the quest on turn 3. But adding 2 extra points to the quest did Zero to slow it down overall. Its still easy to finish by turn 5 and then just destroy my opponent turn 6 with minions on the board as well with them not being able to do anything but concede.

This quest should have had a much harsher nerf done to it like Tasmin costing 7 mana instead of raising the cost to 18 for each part of the quest line. But adding 2 does nothing to it as most people playing this quest over damage themselves anyways.

So yea this needs to go back to the drawing board and rethink this nerf instead of bouncing around how to slow cards down cause you dont want to do the actual work of fixing it instead.