Demon Seed quest is broken

80% decks above D5 in wild are Demon Seed quest and there is no way to counqer it expect ultra fast aggro which are rest 20%. How this is allowed? This game is totally unfun. There is no versatilities in decks. After 10 years of HS looks like someone eat your own tail.


it should deal dmg to both players, removing all self dmg is crazy


I started playing wild with an OTK standard Shaman deck with like… 4 cards from wild swapped in. I have killed that deck turn 4-5 soooo many times lol.


In another post i already demonstrated that you can beat them even with meme decks, like a big paladin full of 10 drops, is not that is invincible, is because is imposing an unnatural speed on the meta,
in which only the all ins prosper, like aggro and OTK…
Leaving those of us who want fiercer, elaborated battles: bored and disappointed…

For me what is broken is not the effect itself, but the fact that it is one of the few wincons practically immune to disruption to begin with.

I played big Paladin a lot and this is basically untrue. If you want to drop big minions you need to play cards in that order: Turn 3: Call to Adventure Turn 4: Nozdoromu Turn 5: Front Lines. The problem with Demon Seed quest is when you make 10 mana by Nozdoromu, the Warlock also got 10 mana and it kills you easily next turn. You won’t be able to play Front Lines next turn as you’re dead and the game is over.

I hate the deck in Wild. The least interactive deck since Time Warp. The operator is playing solitaire.


Yes, if you don’t have other ways to cheat big minions
besides nozdormu or frontlines, like prismatic lens, brigth eye scout, you are lost, im also a huge fan of the deck, play it every season,
and i had to make it a kind of “all in”, adding 1 bonelord frostwhisper, to have more chances…
i leave you the replay im not a liar:

I just wanted to make a point that is not so incredible that an standard otk beats them because that seems to diminish the problem…

i’m sorry that you don’t know how to counter Demon Seed.


I got your point however your example is a 8 round fight because Warlock is a Demon Seed Quest Renathal. Most Pain warlocks in wild are standard 30HP and you’re dead before round 7 (by 5-6 round).

I know how to counter it, by playing aggresive aggro and this deck archetype is being heavily promoted as there is no other option against current pain warlock. No place for reno decks which I would prefer.

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My opponent was not renathal, it was purebred demon seed 30 hp,
I just don’t let him abuse darkglare, and completion until turn 7, wich is the average, i only grant you that he dont open with the crystallizers…

You’re right, didn’t noitice that.

I know wild is full of aggro decks but reno decks always offers possibility to survive, defend and then use counter attack against most decks. The only deck reno can’t counter at all is a demon seed quest, while they finish the quest you’re dead whatever you do. That’s my point. Players knows that and this is the reason why wild is full of demon seed quest atm as it offer easiest route to high rank.
Reno require skills, planning and the right strategy but instead of that the current meta in wild turns into “who will kill first” and becomes totally brainless.

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I warn you that there are a lot of renohaters in the forum but i agree…

Handbuff charge pally is my go-to Seed killer. Stonetusk Boar has never been so useful!

I am genuinely curious how demon seed is overpowered when you have to deal 30 damage to yourself (more like 21 damage) to activate it. Demon seed is extremely prone to dead draws as well as you will need cards that deal damage to you, cards with board wipes, cards with lifegain, and cards that stall. You essentially need good draws just to stay alive, and even if you complete the quest a big board is likely going to beat you.

Any aggro deck can beat it fairly easily. And combo and OTK decks can beat warlock when Warlock’s health is low enough as a consequence of trying to complete the quest.

Demon Seed is one of the few decks that actually require skill, forethought, and good judgement, so IDK why you are complaining about it.


Man I used to get to Gold 10 easily; but now this season… It hit different

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It’s always kinda of funny when I hear people say this or that deck requires skill to play when the majority of people are using said decks/cards because they are harder to counter. Not saying they are unbeatable.

That’s why people are playing so much demon seed and Reno right now. Most people know it but will never admit it.

I don’t care if my deck is “low skill” if I am having fun. Sometimes, having fun means winning. Other times, fun means that Yogg Saron casts 30 random spells and kills me

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People will gravitate towards deck (or character) with the highest winrate. However, that deck may be difficult to navigate, but in the hands of “good” players it can cover a wide range of options which makes it meta. A good example would be Elena in Street Fighter 4 who became extremely meta in the Capcom pro scene near the end of SF4’s competitive run, but in ranked people did not play with Elena because she was technical and difficult to operate without extreme amounts of practice.

Demon Seed is in a similar boat in that there are many pitfalls that can make it difficult to win with the deck, but if you know how to pilot it then you can get far.

Again, I seriously do not understand how people are struggling against a deck that requires that you take 21 points of damage before it gets its win condition. Is wild filled with nothing but control and midrange, because aggro decks and combo decks should easily be able to beat Demon Seed.

Again it forces me to play aggresive aggro against demon seed quest which I don’t like, and I do not support and I have 6 turns maximum to be able to do something, once they complete the quest the mass production kills you easily. It means the game is now reduced up to 6 turns. Just wondering if this is the goal devs want to achieved?

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How do you complete demon seed by turn 6? You would need godlike draws for this to even be a possibility, and if Warlock is speed burning themselves, then how do you not beat them with minions by then? It is literally impossible for Warlock to simultaneously burn themselves, deal with your board/minions, and maintain a high enough life total to not lose if Warlock completes the quest by turn 6.