Demon seed ban bnbbbvv

Go to ban demon seed, kill wild game

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Yeah, its still an issue.

Sorry but Warlocks are allowed to have fun as well. The quest was banned for a year and a half in wild and now that it’s finally rotated, I for one am happy that it’s back. And it was nerfed before they brought it back.


Hardly a nerf with all the healing that is available, especially since the dolts unerfed dark pact.

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I haven’t had any trouble with them while I’m playing weasel priest

Weasel priest.

The deck doesn’t seem like such a problem when I’ve been beating it with something so weak.

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OH I’m sorry, you realize there are other decks that are just as annoying as this one. Secret Mage, Time warp mage, The druid deck where they are ramp up and by turn 6 are completely immune to all dmg, The priest deck that runs 2 minions Neptulon and blood fo c’thun that has you killed by turn 6. (they always get the combo when I play against them) Then there’s pirate rogue that can kill you by turn 4, and half the time it’s bots running that deck.

So I have zero sympathy for anyone complaining about demon seed.


Yeah there are many broken decks that need adjustments, Demon Seed now being one of them. With your logic why nerf cataclysm? “But other decks are just as broken”…

I’ve played 15 games and lost 3 while playing Demon Seed. It’s pretty strong for all those people claiming its not a good deck.