Demon Hunter Obnoxiously Overtuned

Feels like fighting a heroic difficulty final boss every match. I’ve tried a few anti-decks and been experimenting with my own as well, but everything just gets demolished except on a rare occasion. There’s no working around this OP setup of aggression with the existing cards in Standard.


I keep seeing this but please someone either give me a deck code or tell me what the heck is SO POWERFUL about this class? I have a 47% win rate on 4 different variations of the class. This is not OP at all.


Leme break down the winrates:"

vs druid:85%
vs huntard:87%
vs mage:89%
vs paladin: 93%
vs priest: 78%
vs rogue: 80%
vs Shaman: 94%
vs Warlock: 85%
vs Warrior: 83%

If thats not bullscrap idk… it’s basically free autowin class…

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Idk I still managed to go from wild r1 plat to r10 diamond and climbed like r5 plat to r3 plat and I have to say most of my games were against demon hunters and me I’m just playing mage and hunter.

In wild there are cards/combos on different power levels than standard, standard is very vulnerable

Just tired this exact deck on 3 different people:

Pure Paladin - lost
Demon Hunter - Won
Spell Mage - lost


So…, they remove Leeroy and then… (…) THIS :slight_smile:
Lol, the developers seem to be hardcore alcohol-addicts.
Honest players have been complaining about too FAST and too powerful rush-classes for years now and then comes the Demonhunter! :slight_smile:

And the biggest long-term problem for me is that there is less middle- or even end-game.


Blizzard Have you lost your damn minds!?? Talk about Over tuned! What on earth is the point here? That does not inspire me to spend money on your game only walk away!

But maybe I am being too harsh! Hmmm

Druid Class vs Demon Hunter, One player screwed up in standard mode, he made a big mistake and thus I won. 1 out of 7! That ratio is INSANE!!

Yet, perhaps there are new classes that will come out to balance this one off?

Yes , I could use hunter to defeat the class but only two classes I know can do this, Hunter and Priest. That is very narrow. Rather Unfair but I do like the new class… just can’t play it, I have all its cards even the difficult ones lol just can’t play the class… Unless what? I buy the expansion?? Maybe NOT! Maybe I will just wait .

Thank you for making this game somewhat reward free! I mean that! I spent maybe $20.00 US on this game in 4 years!? not bad. Yes this DH Classes pisses me off whenever I have to play against it, but I guess that is the bonus for those who pay right??

Token druid seems to work fine for me. Fungal Fortunes and Glowfly Swarm are good cards against this

Straight up broken…

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Fix this DH!!! he is unbalanced!!!

You are not prepared !

You can’t be serious…you don’t even need to play against a DH to see he is overtuned. Just look at his cards.


Guys, I have a solution for you. Play against each other, with non-DH decks and have fun. Sure, next day you’ll find out they released a Friendship Pass that allows you to play against friends and it has the same price as BG pass, but hey, you get to have some fun for one day.

DH actually is underpowered.

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Update, Just beat this crazy DH Deck using Warrior with Galakrond’s Deck Card, and Anraphet’s Core! Quest Card, but damn, that was allot of juice just to beat this class. I am sure if you experiment you shall find other ways to make this DH Class run out of juice. Still this DH Class should be in the WILD DECK!

Aside from the ridiculous cards, I feel like outcast is way to easy to trigger and should just be activated from the left most card, so that atleast other cards need to be played to get to the left.

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when I saw this I remember Mana wyrm. why print cards you know are broken to begin with?

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I was thinking that, this deck I used to climb basically undefeated gets TROUNCED by Demon Hunter, it’s stupid and I refuse to play anymore ranked until it is fixed.

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lol so now that you aren’t the one winning every single time you’re throwing a fit? LOL