Demon Hunter Card Cost Bug

///////// EDIT : apparently this is a server-side patch that wasn’t documented //////

my brother played a game today and his outcast cards costed 1 more than were supposed to. The game had just started and imprisoned antaen on the far left costed 6 instead of 5. the eye beam on the far right costed 1 instead of zero.

Please fix this bug soon as it breaks some cards.
Thank you

Now I tried to include 2 pictures with the proofs but your forum doesn’t let me do so.

So heres a broken link and remove the spaces.

https: //www. imageupload. net/image/aOcPM
https: //www. imageupload .net/image/aOYcx


It’s not a bug. They’re nerfing the cards because they’re making the game unplayable.


Hi mike, they just did a server side patch to change the cost of those cards to the values you listed. They need a bit more time to put the nerf on the client though. For now, the changed stats will appear red when you draw them. The client should update tomorrow?

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I also happened this, I was playing when my baku lost effect, this happened 3 times but I thought it was a mistake of the coin, but then I saw that it was not so a some cards cost more than they said. And I have this captured in my deck tracker.

I had a similar issue. Was playing Rogue and got eye beam off of a Hench-clan Burglar, which cost 1 despite being the rightmost card in my hand. The text still states it should have an outcast cost of 0, so if this is no longer supposed to be the case they need to update it as I wouldn’t have picked it otherwise (I didn’t have enough mana to play it for 1). The cost however was still in green rather than red for me.

Demon hunter cards should cost mana also. WTH. I paid extra for pre-purchase and those arena tickets may have well been bonus wins for demon hunters. I was already on the fence about buying the expansion but pretty sure next time I will just play for free, instead of being bent over. Pay extra for a broken expansion that they will patch on day one.

If it was a nerf, these things would be there in collection, but its not

They opted to roll out the nerfs on the server side in order to get them in the game as quickly as possible. The collection (and the text of Eye beam) will be inaccurate until a patch scheduled for tomorrow can properly sort it out. The disenchant values for the cards seem to be properly updated, at least.

Official post on the matter:

Same issue. Some demon hunter cards cost one more mana

See the previous post, just above yours.

Pls dont tell me this. They dont nerf boring.secret and quest mages and they nerf my baku demon? Omg!!! Im so pissed right now. I started to like this game again.

y’all paying money to buy bugs have fun

they did the server side first to get the changes in game without you having to download a patch, during the day they will patch the client side which will show the changes in your collection.

Poor babies had to actually play the game instead of this endless board clear every turn garbage game they made. Blizzard ALMOST made a fun class for one second.

Bye, back to NEVER spending money on this full clear every turn garbage.