Deleting this game

This game sucks, hit legend yesterday using internet decks.
There is no strategy just overpowered cards - If you’re going to balance the game please make worthwhile changes instead of punishing certain classes and rotating which classes get time in the sun. This is very obviously all about selling packs for HS now as every new update is about a new bundle or pack; Very little thought and/or QA/QC seems to be going into these “balances” themselves. Good Riddance.


What class did you get??

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There is no strategy to this game. It’s Just race through your entire deck in one turn until you get your “I WIN” card or it’s cover the board with low cards until you can buff them to a million damage or pirate rogue.

If you want a challenge then dont use a netdeck. Try to impose limits on yourself that others wont be held to when crafting your deck. invent something completely unusual and obviously not for the ease of winning but for the accomplishment of winning despite your ridiculous invented thing.

Why not a No spell Mage Deck climb to X Rank challenge for yourself?
No Weapons or Combos Rogue Climb.
Do a roll of the dice drafting of Arena deck (roll 3 dice for the 3 options presented, highest dice is which one chosen) and see how far you can go.
Make your own unique never been seen before OTK deck and see if you can actually manage at least 1 OTK with it.

All the above without netdecking and actually taxes your ability to overcome a challenge, either one you imposed yourself or one the numbers imposed for you. ANd it doesnt matter about climbing the highest rank in ranked play, unless thats the goal you aim to hit with the other limits you gave yourself. Imagine if you managed to reach top diamond with a mage deck that included 0 discovers, 0 random generated spells, and 0 card draw. I realize its absurdly unlikely but just think for a moment if it happened tho.

I dunno bout you but I’d be all sorts of smug about it lol.