Deleting heartstone

this game used to be fun… but now it has become a cheesy card game and a money grubbin cash hog … Good bye


Sorry op. It’s sad the company will just refuse to take feedback from players leaving to heart and allow their gang of pro company posters to come along and violate coc with impunity.

In fact, I’m sure they’ll be along before much longer with more coc violating posts which the mods will of course ignore (as they have for years including so called “final warning” offenses).

All to distract from the fact that this dev team’s refusal to listen is literally driving players away from the game.


the most hilarious one is devs blocking people on twitter, who dare to speak to them or point the obvious.

when you post here and challenge them or point stuff out, you might get banned for “trolling” (ironic given their lack of actions, or?) or similair. It’s a complete cringe-festival


The fact that asking even the simplest of questions gets you blocked from a dev of people and they haven’t done anything about it shows how out of touch this company is.

“Rules for me but not for thee.” Or in layman’s terms “do as I say, not as I (or my proxies) do.” Not entirely surprising, given this company’s track record on hypocrisy.


You would want to

-Uninstall the launcher
-Delete the launcher folder
-In the folder %temp%, remove all blizzard files, (or all of them doesn’t matter)
-In the user folder / In “appdata” folder / remove all Blizzard things from all 3
-With regedit: current user / software / Blizzard. Delete blizzard
-Hit “Win R” / type “certmgr.msc” / Find blizzard / Delete the blizzard certificate


-Scan for virus, run sfc…

-Don’t install Blizzard stuff again, at least for a while.

This stuff is harder to get rid of than Spigot.


I remember Celestalon was more concerned about Elden ring than his job


Bye Felicia… And so on.


And note their trolling posts here don’t get removed.

I think you lot put waaaay too much blame on the devs. They may have a little fault in the issues plaguing the game, but just like everyone else, they have bosses. Bosses who are obviously pressuring them to make decisions that prioritize profit over playability. When your faced with the order to, ‘do this or you risk losing your job’, you either venture down that dark path or … quit your job.

Stop the hate.

“I was only following orders” has never been a valid excuse, not in real life, and not in the fictional world…like say, the burning of Teldrassil (no matter what another dev team at this company might think).

Considering the track record with this company, so many simply chose to go with the flow and not take a stand, even on something as simple as not screwing over their customers, or more serious issues plaguing their company…says a lot about the culture there.

If sharing feedback is “hate” then using that standard, I’d hate to think what everything this dev team and company has done over the years would be classified as.


It’s called planet Earth.

And doing what your boss tells you, when it’s unethical or illegal, isn’t a valid defense, not when judged in court or by history.

What’s valid in

means nothing compared to real world consequences for following someone into something that is morally, ethically, and legally wrong. Since you clearly have no idea what it is, looking up the “Nuremberg defense” might be a good place to start.

In the corporate world, valuing money over principles is how what took place at enron, the crash of 2008, and much more happened. If one’s integrity is worth their paycheck (no matter how large or small), then it isn’t worth very much.


i used to spend $300-500 a year on the game trying to keep up with the “meta”. that got me to legend once in wild and once in standard. after that, I never really pushed for legend. diamond 10 or 5 was fine.

but then the highroll RNG just took off and the “skill” of the game got consumed by RNG and OTK.

so I stopped spending any real money on the game (maybe $20/year or something like that - like a bundle here or there). just doing my daily chores to earn gold/packs along the way.

I have long played warlock. my highest win class.

this month i dove into discard warlock. as someone who has tried to make disco quest work over the years, I was excited to try it. i found myself climbing and figured I would keep pushing. i made it to legend. kind of fun.

HOWEVER, it is a gross deck that just pulls off so many disgusting things.

but its main competition is a bunch of other disgusting things:

-even shaman
-mech paladin
-pirate/kingsbane rogue
-secret mage
-tony druid

the two that make me also really despise the game sometimes are:

-tony druid - there is no way someone should be able to play 40+ cards in a turn and otk you.
-casino quest mage - discover into discover into discover into discover. turn after turn after turn. no, the win rate isn’t off the charts. but playing against it just feels bad
-burn shaman - another draw your whole deck in one turn and make all your stuff cost zero.

yes, there have long been exodia/otk decks. and I admit that I played my share of early shudderwalk decks. but now, at least in wild, the RNG solitaire game just won’t get my money.


i just played a game against thief rogue. i lost the game due to them getting three objection secrets (i.e. mage secrets). objection is bad enough in secret mage, nevermind in a class where you can’t really play around it, but you know it’s coming anyway.

gg blizz. ty for reminding me why i don’t spend money on HS anymore

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I’ve been driven to simply logging into Hearthstone just to do my daily quest, complete it and log off. Had my friends come back but they lasted about 2 weeks before they quit, vowing never to come back.

I don’t think this is a really good business model. Sure, you got the hardcore, never give up group of players who will spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars but after the new players, the ones who don’t spend money on the game, those who return after a leave then immediately because they can’t get a single win or realize they’re playing against bots all the time, leave; how long will those few that remain will keep the game afloat?

In my opinion, the devs really should focus on balancing and less on monthly gimmicks.

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Good call, OP (Maz). I hope you see that deleting Hearthstone was one of the best decisions you ever made for now and probably at least a considerable amount of time into the future.


I have much consider deleting forever, but I keep reinstalling because I enjoy it. When I don’t enjoy it is when I reach a ceiling as people have discussed before on the forums. I’ve never seen diamond in my life, nor any high ranking before the restructures of ladder. I used to put a lot more money into it but stopped here recently trying to not waste money on something I can’t but my hands on but enjoy via phone at work. I work swing shifts so a lot of times I’m playing the AI and it’s just unbearable to get perfect combos or discoveries to wipe out anything I play or everything I plan to play. Very disheartening to lose 16 or 18 matches out of 20ish on the platinum level and never get past 10 Platinum 4 hours or days at a time. My 9 month old keeps me busy so I try not to play ranked well playing with her in case I need to keep her from crawling into something she shouldn’t be haha. I almost felt like there was some sort of structure that let people win better the more money they put in, or went against someone who puts in less money than you. Never seems to completely random at times for a certain things to happen. Definitely been learning decks much better, and played the warrior armor deck to get to Platinum again. But I’ve reached that wall again.

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My dear boy, if you have a baby kid to look after, then you are much to busy to be playing this puzzle known as Hearthstone. Just put your time to much better use than Hearthstone and try simple puzzle games like “Wordle” “Sudoku” or just do some simple journaling or writing to a friend or family member. After this game deleted Classic Mode, it became highly irregular to just play this game for fun anymore. I highly suggest moving on to something else. Maybe try “Skribblio” or a quick flash game online like “City Jumper” or “Stick Avalanche 2”. GL with your future endeavors and I hope you give all the love and care your child could ever need. :slightly_smiling_face:

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True indeed. Gone are vanilla days and simpler combos to enjoy than the otk and crazy crap that is today. Between starting hearthstone and beta Diablo 3, I’ve been enjoying Diablo 3 during nap times haha. Just hoped to play this at work and off time. But you’re right it’s definitely not something I but time into for my daughters time. Just hope to progress at work, but I don’t have the time that maybe a streamer has to grind it out. I’ll keep watching the dog and azmo etc do well for me!