Delete soul fragments and warlock won't be a problem

Instead of nerfing certain cards just stop giving warlock heals. It’s what allows the class to get away with all of these powerful cards.


I wonder if reducing Soul Frag heals to 1 health instead of 2 would do anything.

Wouldn’t help other Control decks, but it would probably make Warlock even worse against Aggro.

Deleting them might be too much, but I agree completely that warlock has too much healing right now. Life tap and self destruction is supposed to be a down side. It used to be. It no longer is.


i disagree. Reducing warlock’s survivability would definitely make tickatus less viable, but many people waited for control warlock to become a viable archetype for a long time and they are happy it is good now, so instead of reducing the class’es survivability which would weaken this popular archetype a lot, it’s better to just nerf the card that makes a large part of the playerbase hate it.


Also changing the “casts when drawn” effect. Make it a regular card so that it only draws one card regardless of it being soul fragment or not


that would make it unplayable. the way you suggest it suffling souls in your deck would be even worse than suffling weasels or albatros birds


true. honestly i think that the mechanic should’ve never been created. least of all for warlock

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I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean make it a spell you have to cast? In that case it wouldn’t change a thing. You’d cast it, heal, draw a card, and play the next one if it were a soul fragment. The only difference would be that now you have to click and drag.

I don’t think Tickatus matters in this discussion. It’s about warlock being too survivable right now. Definitely don’t take a lot away, but also don’t add a ton more in the next expansion or two.

he means that drawing souls should skip them their regular card draws.
I agree that warlock has too much survivability rn but would that really be a bad thing if they didn’t have tikatus? Because control warlock was always beloved by the playerbase and is only hated now because of tick


Ah, gotcha. That’s a horrible idea.

I’m in the “Tickatus is a bad card” camp. It shines in control matchups and the mirror but it’s not really a major problem with warlock right now. Even aggro warlock decks can use the soul fragment package to power their draws and allow them to pay less attention to board and more attention to the opponent’s face.

Note: I’m not complaining about warlock, just saying why I don’t think more healing is needed.

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Something has to get fixed. It was already bad before the expansion. tamsin , drain soul, alex and lord j only made it worst.

im surprised people think soul fragments are a problem. whenever I play against warlock, or even when I play warlock myself, soul fragments are pretty useless. by the time you’ve drawn them, you’ve already turned the corner enough (bled out any aggro/midrange deck) to not need the healing. the healing is really only there to stop you from dying to random generation.

healing is largely meant to offset tapping and provide a bit of healing. and it does exactly that; by turn 10 most warlocks will be at 12-15 health, which is easily in range of a variety of aggro and midrange classes, such as demon hunter (inquistor), rogue (double wicked stab), or even mage (double fireball/mask of c’thun).

Of course soul fragments aren’t a problem but at this stage bad players are crying for anything in control lock to be nerfed. Despite its bad win rate


youre right 56% amongst gm is terrible why didn’t i think of that!

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You could overfill your hand and burn cards if it came in hand as a zero cost heal for 2 card.

In GM people not spam face hunter.

In GM you can ban classes.

GM isn’t our daily hearthstone.


Wouldn’t that harm Demon Hunter too much since they also share Soul Fragments?

DH doesn’t even use fragments right now. At least not as a primary game plan like Warlock.

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My only suggestion is that playing soulciologist Malicia should consume your soul fragments.

It makes no sense that the souls stay in your deck, aren’t the souls she summons the fragments themselfs?


The Shards themselves aren’t a problem, but maybe it’s time to look at just how back breaking Malica (or whatever her name) is on curve can be.