Delete or Turn Off Signature Cards

Signature Cards may be fine or fun for some people, but they’re a huge distraction to me. I hate them. My diamond cards generate them, so I’ve stopped playing some of my diamond cards. I sometimes just quit if I’m playing someone who plays too many signature cards. I get tired of trying to find the card text hidden in its weird place—why not at least have card text in some same kind of graphic to the side of the card!?

So, my question is this. Can Hearthstone please just delete all signature cards from my account? I pose this here because Support told me to. I don’t even care about dust anymore. They make the game miserable, and the more I play, the more of these awful cards I get, so the game just gets worse and worse. The illustrations are sometimes cool, but they’re a pain in the @$$ for me because of the completely divergent user experience and the cognitive load of context-switching to them every random time they appear.

For me, they are ruining Hearthstone. Most can’t be dusted. I want them gone. We need a way to get rid of Signature Cards —dust or delete for nothing is fine by me—or, better yet, turn them off so that I can stop seeing opponent signature cards, too.

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