Deepminer Brann should be a neutral card

…and not Warrior exclusive.

It would be so much fun to build Highlander decks around this card with ALL classes, don’t understand why such card is limited to just 1 class. -.-

Or give all classes a simular class exclusive card for Highlander decks…but because there will be no new cards till the next expansion making him neutral would be the only fair solution here.

Hope this will be done with the next balance patch. :slight_smile: :+1:

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This card is stupid, it shouldn’t even exist. The mechanics of permanent effects must be deleted.


I really want to be on the OP’s side here because instead of being like OPPONENT HAS FUN CARD KILL IT WITH FIRE KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT, which is the usual reaction around here, OP just wants the fun card to be available in their class too. I find that attitude refreshing.

But as much as I might want to be on the OP’s side here, um, no. Just no. I’m not going to make defending Brann a hill to die on lol


As a control player, I was so relieved when the previous Brann disappeared from standard… and now it’s back and it’s worse.
I just don’t understand why anything so powerful exists. Who makes such choices ? Why ?
I like to fight against powerful decks and try to find a solution but this is really too much.
I certainly don’t want this card to be neutral, I just want the game designers to admit they made a mistake and destroy it immediately.


I fear this won’t happen…so I think it’s better to make all classes overpowered by making this card neutral instead of having just 1 class being OP and the rest being lackluster trying to beat the deck with lucky draws or plays. -.-

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy about the card either but Brann’s here now and will stay for at least 1 year… we have to make the best out of this situation and I think making him neutral is the next best one after deleting him. :slight_smile:

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Next time try to read meaningfuly before being cringe & insulting, I litteraly said “I’m not happy about the card either”.

And I don’t know how long you play Hearthstone but they don’t delete released cards, just fyi.

So why not giving all classes the possibility to play this card instead of Warrior only?

And yes the card def needs a nerf but that’s not the topic of this thread. :wink:

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only text need to change on it like your battlecry trigger twice on 1 to 5 coast card rest of game then astalor problem solved and some dumb combo

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I am for balancing the game while you are not because you are demanding that an ultra stupid card become neutral.

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And this gives you the right to insult others?

Beside that where did I say that I don’t want the card to be balanced?..I’ve even said:

Again, learn to read meaningfully pls before commenting. :wink:

I’m for both, balancing the card AND making it neutral so Warrior is not the only one who can build a Highlander deck around it…For the sake of deck and class diversity in the game.


This game has become the worst garbage ever and you’re asking for more stupidity.

If Blizzard adds Hearthstone to Steam, what rating do you think the game will have? I will answer 0/10.

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I am by NO means a great player. I made a reno deck, as scummy as it is, and went 6-1 from Plat 5 to D10. The one loss was because I drew absolutely !@#$ I needed to last till brann. The deck, because of brann, is busted as all hell.

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yep its fun
way more fun than losing to aggro decks by turn 5

even if lose astalor i got to play for more turns with barely any stall

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well steam is full of review bomber trolls

i noticed most negative reviews in game like that barely have an hour playtime
the best and worst reviews with barely any playtime shouldnt be trusted

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Welcome to the “Complain Festival tenth edition” :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::call_me_hand::sparkles:

Ps: Astalor doing 28 dmg it is an “old” combo of the Wild Shaman that can even be done 6-8 turns in a row with the Parrots.
Be good and brush your teeth before going to sleep. :wave::relieved:

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It IS fun to have Astalor DEAL 28 points of damage twice.

Do you realize that it’s not always your turn? Your opponent IS allowed to have fun at your expense.

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Farting in your face when you’re tied and can do nothing can be fun as well. But not for you I guess.

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This just proves that you don’t get the point and are being unnecessarily crude.

The point is that this is a multiplayer game, not a single player experience. I don’t know and I don’t care how you feel about whatever it is the players get to do to each other. But whatever it is that they get to do to each other, your opponent has just as much of a right to do it to you as you have a right to do it to them.

I don’t care what to complaint is, if it’s about someone not liking what their opponent is doing, then that complaint doesn’t mean anything. Now if you tell me that you didn’t like what you yourself were playing as, or that you enjoyed what your opponent was playing, that I will listen to. But “I didn’t like the part where my opponent in the boxing match punched me in the face” is not a valid complaint.

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I bet you’re a Druid player. I’m so glad this card is not neutral. I for one am perfectly happy with this being a Warrior only card. And I doubt they would ever make a class only card neutral.

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Permanent effects are fine. The devs just need to be responsible about what they are, the rules & cards surrounding them and who gets them.

But yeah, “perma double battlecry” is not a good idea lol. Even if it’s fine now, I’m sure something else will come along and make this broken. And if that something is a neutral card, everyone gets punished :slightly_smiling_face:.

I don’t think this idea works so well in practice because there’s always going to be one thing that comes out on top. Even in the stupid powercrept era that is HS today.

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I think it should not exist at all. Not because it is too strong but it is an easy design no innovation at all.

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