Deepminer Brann and/or Lor'themar Theron needs a nerf

Warrior is extremely strong with this combo. Unkillable with mobs getting +50 attack and health. These cards need a nerf one or both of them. Limiting the number of minions with duplicated stats should be fine.-

They don’t balance cards. They balance decks. The warrior decks are below average now (or close to below average).

Im playing control warrior and most decks in platinum are destroying me. It’s very hard to get out deepminer brann and/or lor’themar.

A major nerf to either card would likely result in them never being played in standard ranked this meta.

It’s useless talking to this guy,.his feelings prove more to him than your facts ever could. According to this guy, close to every card ever printed is overpowered and needs to be needed.

Any loss is never his fault, it’s the fault of overpowered cards.