DeckTracker Sometimes Crashes unexpectedly

My HSreplay DeckTracker sometimes crashes on me. I’ve noticed it usually does it when I’m in collection manager from the standard deck selection screen… and it’ll popup with the normal collection saved bit then I’ll exit out and back to the deck selection screen… I’ll popup again collection saved… when I go to play at this point sometimes HSDt will crash, but it doesn’t always do so.

Curious… Anyone else have this problem?

I don’t think I’ve had any issues with HDT that weren’t related to poor connectivity or other PC issues. I certainly haven’t had any issues with it recently.

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Possible PC issues was the thing I was thinking, as well, as hoping it wasn’t…
It’s gonna be a bth to track down… I know of places I can start the search, but boy its gonna be a pain.

Well… Thanks Madmax for taking the time to reply as its much appreciated.

Off on the search… with I had a Hunter with me. :slight_smile:

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And you went to the game’s forum to complain about a problem with a third-party (cheat) software. Wanna get banned?

Sure do… Because it wasn’t a complaint… It was a troubleshoot with a great utility package that pertains to hearthstone. Not to mention the fact, you imbicile, the developers have even said it’s okay to use. So, before you decide to spread your measily $0.02, you better do your homework. Got me pal!

I’m not in the mood right now… I’ve been staring at windows event viewer logs all day…

And by the way my issue pertains to the .net framework 4.5 and up which I’m in the process of taking care of. @SSD

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Are you aware that Ben Broude who said it had retired (got fired) afterward? And if you think that anyone in Blizzard will look at DHT sources and fix it you are an optimist beyond imagination.

Hi, my name is Madmax and I use Hearthstone Deck Tracker. If this gets me banned from the game, I will dust my entire collection and craft nothing but useless golden Legendary cards.

I’ll also eat my hat.


Thanks for the defense my friend.

Manilla - To all whom might read over this post.

I just want to apologize to whomever, wherever…
I’m just really tired, and I’ve spent a large portion of my day looking over some windows event logs trying to find what’s causing my HDT to crash on me. HearthSim mentioned a possible link to crashes caused via .Net framework issues, and with that I did find a crash event that was linked to my .Net install.

Then I got a little ping on my phone…
And lo-and-behold… Well that nonsense up above…
I guess you could say I “popped-off” I suppose…
I just wanted to explain my outburst…
And again I bow, and tip my hat to Mad Max.

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Wow! The authors of HDT can have an idea what may be wrong with it. A shocking surprise!

why complain about it here ?
do you really expect blizzard to fix that for them?

There is no complaint here. SSD seems to think so, though.
Friendly advice is all thats here, which MadMax has already answered.