Decks with repeating cheats that kill by turn 4

Really Bizzard? For the last month this game has nothing but Bots and decks that can not be beaten or even played against. Getting beat by mages and rogues that have endless cycles of cards that keep your opponent in turn and cycling through cards that damage and keep you from playing until you are dead by turn 4. It really seems like Blizzard doesn’t care if their game is fun anymore I love hearthstone but it is totally broken and unfair for anyone but Bots and pay to play peeps. IS ANYONE EVEN LISTENING TO EVERYONE COMPLAINING WHO HONESTLY WANTS TO PLAY A FAIR GAME?

What actual cheats are you talking about ? Because using combinations of authorized cards is not cheating.


Challenge the innkeeper, you will be fine :ok_hand:

well, judging off the LACK of forum engagement, I would say that most people don’t care. Aggro decks are fun as hell to play. Always the combo players crying cause they don’t get their 12 turns to pop off.

I’m not sure you’re actually playing against bots. But if that is the case, it would be a good idea to make a more interesting deck. Most of the time, when it’s not working the deck needs an edit.

I would argee that some design revamp is in order. I’m only back since not too long, but i’m starting to see some ridiculous decks. I said that for EvE Online. That game has been dying/terminal for years… The game doesn’t die when you lose players. The game dies when you don’t replace them. This, is newbie killer material. And that is not acceptable.

It is my understanding Hearthstone is pay to play and bots are having all the fun. Fun, is highly subjective. If you feel HS isn’t fun because you don’t have money to spend on the game, and you don’t like the bots, it seems logical for you to take it somewhere else?