Deck Swap; No Thanks

Honestly done with your game until you dumpster this trash design.

Just had a druid cast jailer and deck swap on mana 9.

You really need to put more thought in to your design. I’ll be back on the next rotation with my wallet across the world because you do NOT deserve money for your designs.


The same empty threat you’ve made for years. You’ll be making the same threat again next expansion.

Stay salty. Cope harder.

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He will just as soon as you stop sucking on blizzard’s chode.


Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Could you apply this to the forums, as well, though? I’d love to see less phen. Thanks!


Blizzard are a terrible company that I haven’t supported financially in almost four years. But it’s not anything to do with Hearthstone and everything to do with the fact that Activision-Blizzard-King enable a company culture where women are subjected to sexual harassment, assault, and rape while their male victimizers are immune from consequences, and the women who speak up about it face retaliatory punishment for doing so.

That’s just me though. I think Blizzard is a bad company for reasons that actually matter. I don’t get all worked up over a card game, if I didn’t like it I would just not play it.

I would suggest concerning yourself with things that actually matter rather than endlessly whinging about a game you choose to continue playing when no one is forcing you to do so.

I didn’t even think about that wombo-combo. Imma start doing that. Thanks, Phen! You’re Phen-ominal!

I’ve been playing blizzard games for close to 20 years and this Druid swap deck has made me completely delete all games. If you can support a deck like this your an idiot. 0 skill

Relax. Gadgetzan Auctioneer is getting nerfed. This deck will vanish.

For the record, ALSO hate this deck.