Deck Questions and Legendary Crafting

Hello everyone!

I’ve been doing pretty well on my own thus far – I’m as casual as they come --, but, now, I’m very interested in crafting a legendary with the little material I have, but can’t seem to balance or decide on whether to invest in a class legendary, neutral legendary, or neither.

Additionally, if anyone has any advice or criticism in regards to my deck, please let me know!

My deck:

Priest “Control” (To the best of my understanding)

2x Regenerate
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Potion Vendor
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Divine Hymn
1x Divine Spirit
1x Master Swordsmith
1x Soup Vendor
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Earthern Ring Farseer
1x Shadowform
(L) Archmage Vargoth
2x Mass Dispel
2x Mogu’shan Warden
1x Clockwork Automaton
2x Convincing Infiltrator
1x Dragonmaw Scorcher
1x Gurubashi Berserker
1x Holy Nova
(L) Chef Nomi
(L) Ysera

In short, I try to taunt my opponent into playing quickly and heavily, surviving as best as possible and drawing cards from heals, before returning with counter-offensive moves before ending with Chef Nomi and closing it off. I also gain a lot from Vargoth repeating safe spells (Shadowform, Holy Nova, etc).

Sorry for the long post and poor terminology - Let me know if you have any questions!



If your looking to add to that specific deck (which looks sweet, btw) and enjoy playing priest, velen is the classic priest legenday.
He costs 7 and double healing and damge from spell and hero power, whoch might synergize with whats you’re trying to do.

Being classic means it will either not rotate, and thus always be available in the standard format OR it might eventually be rotated BUT you would get your 1600 dust back (without having to disenchant) if the dev remain consistent about the compensation.

Do note however that:

none of the current “meta decks” use velen as far as i know

I dont have velen and thus cant test for you how efficient he would be in your deck

just my 2 cents

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All the tip I can give to you is that
#1: Know that legendary doesn’t necessary= good.
There may be decks that don’t need even one legendary, there might be decks that needs tons of legendaries. It all depends on the deck. So don’t get too caught up on need legendaries.
#2: If you are looking forward to be less casual in the future, I would recommend you only crafting classic set cards as they never rotate out and help you reach a larger card pool overall when next rotation hits.
If you are planning on staying casual and just looking for fun then you can craft whatever you want.
But from the looks of it you want to take this game seriously, you are on the forums after all.


Thanks for the kind words!

I am a little on the fence in terms of investing in a Priest legendary, because I hear Priest is poor currently. Is that true?

Priest is bad this meta, yes. There are sometimes when certain classes is going to be bad. But never have I ever not enjoyed playing priest no matter how bad it is.

Yes, Priest has the worst win rate right now out of all classes, but it’s a fun class to look into if you’re interested. (maybe not at the moment but in the future.)

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How much dust do you have to play with? 1,600?

its definetly underperforming and underrepresented right now, but one of the few good decks they have is doing something similar to you and using Nomi as a win condition (it uses the spell seance to add another copy to your hand in case the opponent can clear the first wave)

Zilliax might be worth considering, he sees play in all classes and is generally good on his own, plus he synergizes well with your soup vendors (he heals for 3) and your automaton (he’s magentic)

the only downside his he will become a wild only card in less than a year when the 2018 card rotate and you will NOT get a refund when that happens.

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Great advice! I figured legendaries weren’t always the best move haha, they just look the nicest!

Any cards you recommend?

More or less, yes!

Depends on the type of player you are honestly.

If you are just looking for a good deck to play then I would suggest aggro to a casual player (as much as I hate to suggest that to anyone). Aggro decks does a lot better matches due to their quick game style. You win fast and you lose fast, you get in a game and get out. Therefore you do rank up faster with aggro. Aggro is also a lot of the time a lot cheaper than control decks unfortunately .

If you are looking for a cheap, easy deck to win and rank up, aggro decks are the way to go
If you are looking for a well put together deck with a lot of thinking and effort put behind it, I would strongly recommend control.

I assume you like control due to your decklist.


If you want to improve this specific deck you are better off adding some solid common/rare/epic cards instead of going for a legendary. If you want to be a bit more competitive you could look at the optimised lists for Nomi Priest, you should have most of the cards already. If not, I would still suggest adding Grave horrors and Seances as they are a natural fit to a spell heavy Nomi deck. Mass Hysteria also feels like a really good card to include to have a board clear.

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So you want to modify this Priest list, you’re a very casual player, we need not to worry about wild for now. Sitting on 1,600 dust, pondering about legendary’s.

They’re for sure the most “flashiest” cards. The most fun to open at any rate. Really currently no neutral legends I think are mandatory unique build around cards. Yeah people might say Zilliax but this is Priest we’re discussing.

If you like your Chef Nomi card, spending dust on Gadgetzan Auctioneer isn’t a bad idea to funnel through the deck. It would take 200 dust for 2 copies at 100 each.

But that makes it more of a miracle list tbh. Could go with Inner Fires since you run high health taunts. Actually lol, its random but you could craft Lady in White for fun. But…man…the other cards.

Honestly really want to push you into Dragon Priest for wild but thats a choice you’d have to be down to try of course.


I don’t know about anyone else but I have been in your position before, working with limited cards and dust.
What I would do in your position is to work with the cards that you have that provides win condition. So I would build a deck around a card like Chef Nomi, that card wins you the game most of the time when you get him in the right condition, the trick is to just to that position.

For Chief Nomi the two big objectives are:
Survive until you run out of cards
Draw as many cards as possible
(side quest)- Be able to bounce Nomi again to secure a win in case opponent has answers.

You got to find a balance between the two objectives. Too many of one and your deck doesn’t work.

Have you tested the deck? Do you know what the deck does well against and what you are struggling against? Which objective are you more confident in?

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So many responses!

Thank you all <3

I’d love to hear suggestions for new decks. Inner Fire is an interesting one, and Lady in White could be a good move!

I have tried Seance, but never found its ‘niche’ in this deck. Any reccommendations there?

Also, the Dragon Priest sounds fun - Could you elaborate?

Thanks all!

MVPM - I have played EXTENSIVELY with this deck, and Nomi alone has won me every game I’ve played him! I think the flow to him works - Early game is my only struggle

I would not recommend wild for a causal player, players have a way higher card pool to work with, not good for players who have small card pools.

I’m aware of the same situation, but he would get to start at the bottom where true fun can happen. If I was sending him to play wild at 15+ I would feel bad lol. Only because he would have a budget deck.

He likes Priest an we could direct him into Dragons. Draknoid Operative would be a killer craft, DuskBreakers etc.

But I feel like to a causal player wild would also overwhelm you with so many cards that you have never seen before. It would be much harder for me to learn game mechanics and the basic gist of what each classes does in wild because every class could do everything. I know if I was a new player, I would learn much better at the value of each card in standard than wild, in standard there is sort of a set value for effects, in wild everything is just bs. Cards that looks great are trash, cards that doesn’t do anything are godly.

Sure he could play a fun deck in wild and maybe he would get a couple of wins but I don’t think a player can learn as much in wild as they do in standard.

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I had considered Wild because it’s the only way I could use THE legendary I originally wanted - Ragnaros!

I feel as though it may be too complex though?

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Do me a favor an send me a friend request Theman#1136

I will gladly allow you to try ANY card you want (That I have, which is a lot lol) before you craft with your dust. I have Ragnaros for example an he’s awesome dude. You could see for yourself lol.

I’ll be online later in the evening my time, but if we ever see each other online totally glad to let you go crazy with any cards you wanna try lol.


Wow, thank you! I’ll add you as soon as I can :smiley:

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First off - welcome to Hearthstone. Buckle up and enjoy the ride, and try to filter out the salty negativity that comes from some of the malcontents in the forum. The game is fun and easy to pick up and that’s all that really matters.

I’m going to give you some more generalized advice that can help to provide some overall direction to your decision making. In the end, you should do whatever makes you happy and gives you the most enjoyment. However, if you’re going to invest some serious time in the game then these tips will help.

  1. Level up all your Heroes to 10. This will give you all the Basic cards, many of which are still important today.

  2. Get all the free packs. If you Google “Free Hearthstone Packs” you will find a fair number of ways to get free Classic packs and some other set packs as well. Your first step should be to get all the free packs you can so you don’t blow money or dust on stuff you might have gotten for free. This includes all the free stuff Blizzard tosses out all the time as promos, brawls, etc. If its free then go get it.

  3. Get the Welcome Bundle. It isn’t free, but it’s the best value in the game at 10 packs for $4.99 with a guaranteed Legendary.

  4. SAVE YOUR DAILY QUEST GOLD. Many new player will blow their gold on packs as soon as they earn it. Resist this temptation. Your goal is to try to save up at least 5,000 gold between expansion sets. In reality, you should easily be able to save up around 9,000 to 10,000, but to start with shoot for 5,000. Then when a new set releases you get 50+ packs of the new set and STOP.

  5. If you - like me - aren’t a whale and want to maximize your spending power then wait at least 2 weeks into a meta before you craft anything. You don’t want to be blowing your crafting resources on junk that isn’t meta relevant, and well over 60% of the Epics and Legendaries in any meta will never be relevant. A little patience and you will learn what cards are worth your resources, and which ones are trash you can ignore.

  6. It’s easier to “keep up” with Hearthstone than to “catch up”. Many players feel overwhelmed by the number of cards that are in the game when they first start. Don’t be. All you need to do is keep up with current sets when they get released rather than “catch up” with all the content from past sets (see #4).

Think of it like joining a boat race in a river. Would you rather just throw your boat in the river and ride it downstream or throw it in the river and try to paddle back upstream to the starting line? Just throw your boat in the river where it’s at (the current set) and paddle along with the flow.

  1. You don’t need to “catch 'em all”. Some people mistakenly think they have to have “all” the cards or the game is unplayable. This belief is wrong. CCGs are games that are designed to be played with incomplete collections. If you think you have to get every single card then you’ll only come away feeling frustrated and bitter. Don’t do that to yourself. Set reasonable expectations and you’ll be much happier.

  2. When crafting, prioritize Classics over Standard Sets … to a point. There are a lot of solid Classic cards and going for those early in your Hearthstone career will pay dividends. But this is only true up to a POINT. You will naturally get Classic cards from promotions, Brawl packs, monthly ranking rewards and other sources. What I’m saying is that Classic cards will slowly, naturally rain into your collection without you having to expend a ton of resources to get them. Craft only the key ones that matter the most and let the others slowly flow into your hands on their own.

  3. Don’t chase expensive decks with stars in your eyes. Looking at deck lists can drive you crazy when you first start when you see all the stuff you don’t have. But there are plenty of solid budget decks in EVERY META which rely mostly on common and rare cards with very few (if any) Epics or Legendaries. Don’t craft “decks”.

  4. Above all else, be patient. Jumping into a CCG is a marathon … not a sprint. If you’re a rich guy with thousands of dollars to blow then you can get it all at once. But for mere mortals who don’t want to blow tons of cash, you can still get it all if you’re patient and have realistic expectations.

If you keep getting all the free stuff, have realistic expectations, and save your daily gold then within a few months you will have a very solid collection, and when Standard rotates next April you will be as well off as anyone else. Have fun!