Deck Folders in Collection

Hi all, this is my first forum post. I’m sure it has been suggested before but I would love the option to make folders of decks in the collection manager. I can’t imagine this would be too hard to implement, but as someone who enjoys trying many archetypes across all classes in Standard and Wild I would love a feature to make folders of decks in the collection. For example you can name the folders so I would have one for Aggro, one for control, etc. Or perhaps players would do it by class. Either way I feel like this is a feature that adds so much utility for presumably such little effort to implement. Has the team discussed this before?

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You can already rearrange and rename your decks, put all the aggros on top, then mid, then combo, then control… whatever you want the order to be

Rearranging decks was not a core feature in the game and they had to basically rework the entire deck system from scratch to be able to implement that, because the base code was not compatible with such an idea. Nowadays I imagine they made it flexible enough for such idea but don’t underestimate how a small feature can require a huge technical rework

Ah fair enoug, I’ve been playing since release but took some breaks so I must have forgot how big of a deal adding rearrange was. Ur absolutely right and I do have all my decks arranged I was just thinking it since all classes and different formats… its still pages of decks. Thanks for the input tho <3