The game has dumbed down so much that it doesnt matter how you play, all that matters is what you play. Just play the green card, dont know what 90% of the standard cards do, even those you play yourself.
In the past you at the very least needed to understand the basics of the deck you play but now its just netdeck the most brain rot deck and end the game before anyone even could make a meaningfull decision.
But good thing we waited for the mini set to shake things up, we moved from one of the worst expansions to one of the most frustrating mini sets.
Even though I mostly agree, it is weird seeing this from someone who’s not me.
Netdecks always been around.
People dont want to play. Just win with uninteractive trash as fast as possible so you can hit the next nongame asap and do it again. The illusion of “playing”.
Wow. Uhm wow. Good job assuming a pile of things about someone you know NOTGING about.
You feeling ok? Need to talk to someone? There seem to be some issues that need to be resolved.
good thing highlighting the middle of a sentence. I specifically called out the braindead decks that plan to end a game as fast as possible, but reading is hard, i understand.
They misunderstood your point, but it was still a wrong point.
Playing good cards randomly will just make you lose.
Please print thus quote and hang it on a wall so you see it every day.
YOU went about dictating wether others enjoy the game or not.
YOU assumed and decided if someone needs to find another game or not.
YOU assumed someone is mad or upset.
Remind yourself to not decide what others like or not, if its time for a new game or not or if they are mad or not. It leads to misunderstandings and frustration.
And yes this games design philosophy has gone downhill for years. Hardly a secret to anyone.
You used to need the majority of your turn time. Now it’s maybe 10 seconds.
Yes when someone jumps out from under a rock assuming someone is mad, assuming someone needs to find another game and all sorts of things when you werent even replied to thats a sign of someone who is not quite stable. Also i mentioned it SEEMS there are issues. I dont know you but the way you jump out from out of nowhere with the pitch fork at the ready would make you seem that way.
Also. I never once called anyone braindead. The meta maybe, the design philosophy maybe, blizzards general approach to solving issues maybe. People on the forums, never.
I agree it’s not about putting together the right combination of cards anymore. It’s not about flushing out a detailed strategy. It’s about none of those things. It’s simply about getting to play an overpowered card (cards) before the opponent and that’s how the matches decided.
There’s no risk with decks anymore. there’s no risk when it comes to classes anymore, nor shortcomings, nothing. Just a matter who gets to play their overpowered card (cards) first
By that logic you would be legend 1 only by random chance, and those going legend 1 for multiple months in a row should be playing the lottery.
It’s either that conspiracy theory or something more logical; yes: there is RNG; no: given enough games just RNG isn’t what makes the final rank.
I stand by what I said. Using the most broken deck to climb literally takes zero effort or skill
now more than ever since they want games to end before a meaningfull decision could be made.
Sad thing is people will swear this game has needed skill when in reality it’s mostly playing what is dictated by the dev’s and spending the time to climb.
I seen a lot of people voice their concern over this expansion recently. A lot of people who are mad or argue like the game and want Blizzard to wake up. If the conclusion is as simple as just go away, you can shut down game servers as more and more people will leave as they realize they arnt playing a game anymore. More and more decks take away the decisions you make by just making more and more cheap cards ridiculus. Blizzard clearly showed aswell their priotities being monitization as instead of seeing the state of the game or play testing the expasion/mini set they design an overpriced skin that only 1% of the player base is stupid enough to buy. But go ahead, glaze Blizzard more, they have really good track record of not killing games and patching them into unplayable states as seen with Overwatch, HotS, Wow and so on…
wow you are terrbile at this game arent you?
nobody else openly admits to ignoring the board , card interactions or reading card texts like you did
playing like that explains people playing their cards iwthout readign alloy advisor giving me tons of armor
“I got smarter, and I blame the game for it.”
Nothing fits this description. Except maybe sleeping.
If you think that, if your rank is high, you think differently the moment you type with the moment you play.
These kinds of decks do not net increase sales. These kinds of decks drive away players who won’t play anything but easy to play packages.